NASA National Snow and Ice Data Center Distributed Active Archive Center (NSIDC DAAC)

Enabling researchers and data users to better understand how changes in the cryosphere impact our planet.

Catch up on news and stories about how NSIDC DAAC data are being used in research, as well as spotlights on how you can use the data, tools and resources we offer. If you are using NSIDC DAAC data in your research, teaching, or some other way, let us know and we may feature your work in our next article. Share your story with us today.

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Diagram of Xarray data structure showing 2- and 3-dimensional arrays
NSIDC expertise has contributed to the enhancement of Xarray, a popular open-source tool used for data analysis and visualization. DataTree has been integrated into Xarray.
NASA Earthdata Harmony data transformation services, or Harmony for short, allows data users to define their area of interest to filter and crop data. In this example, data from the Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) radiometer is being filtered and subset to the borders of the state of Colorado.
Since beginning to migrate data to the NASA Earthdata Cloud, the NSIDC DAAC has worked to develop resources and tools to ensure an easy transition for data users. The newest of those tools to come to the NSIDC DAAC is NASA Earthdata Harmony data transformation services, or Harmony for short, which the NSIDC DAAC has adopted for ICESat-2 data. Harmony is a framework that serves many NASA Earthdata data sets across NASA DAACs. These data transformation services include spatial, temporal, and variable subsetting, reformatting the data, combining multiple files together in one file, reprojection, and more.