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Across the globe, snow and ice play a vital role in regulating Earth’s climate and providing freshwater resources to people, plants, and animals.

As Earth’s frozen regions change rapidly, NSIDC is committed to growing its research and open access data to better understand these changes. Read about NSIDC research and its contribution to science and policy making. Check out spotlights on how to use NSIDC data, tools, and resources. Learn about how we steward data and collaborate with scientists and organizations across the world to understand how the frozen parts of Earth affect the rest of the planet and impact society.

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Photo of melt ponds on sea ice
Ask a Scientist
Sea ice melt is not a significant contributor to sea level rise, but its contribution is not nothing, either. Sea ice is composed mostly of fresh water, which is less dense than salty ocean water. Consequently, sea ice melt produces water that takes up more volume than an equivalent weight of salt water, although the difference is minimal.
Diagram of Xarray data structure showing 2- and 3-dimensional arrays
NSIDC expertise has contributed to the enhancement of Xarray, a popular open-source tool used for data analysis and visualization. DataTree has been integrated into Xarray.
Data image of Antarctic sea ice on March 1, 2025.
News Release
Antarctic sea ice has likely reached its minimum extent for the year, at 1.98 million square kilometers (764,000 million square miles) on March 1, 2025, according to scientists at the National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC) at the University of Colorado Boulder. The 2025 minimum is effectively tied with 2022 and 2024 for second lowest in the 47-year satellite record. It is 190,000 square kilometers (73,000 square miles) above the record low, set in 2023. The last four minimums have been the lowest on record.
Antarctic sea ice
Analysis - Sea Ice Today
On March 1, Antarctic sea ice likely reached its minimum extent of 1.98 million square kilometers (764,000 square miles), tying for second lowest extent with 2022 and 2024 in the 47-year satellite record. This is the fourth consecutive year that Antarctic sea ice has reached a minimum below 2.0 million square kilometers (772,000 square miles).
snow cover lake isabelle
Analysis - Snow Today
Snow-covered area in February across the western United States was 13 percent below average, at 822,000 square kilometers (317,000 square miles) of snow cover, ranking sixteenth highest in the 25-year satellite record (Table 1). Snow-covered area for February was about half of the area of the record high year, 2023, and 264,000 square kilometers (102,000 square miles) more than February 2003, the lowest year on record.