Snow Today
Daily images of snow data and seasonal analyses
What's New from Snow Today

Explore Current Snow Conditions
Use the Snow Today interactive data viewer to explore current various aspects of snow conditions and how they compare to past years.

Read our Monthly Insights
Each snow season, our scientists write monthly data analyses examining how snow conditions are changing across the western United States.

Learn About the Snow Today Project
This NASA-funded research project provides data and insights about snow today, snow yesterday, snow last year, and snow over time.
Most Recent Monthly Insight
What is Snow Today?
Snow Today is a NASA-funded research project that examines where snow is present, where it has snowed recently, and how much water is in the snow, while also comparing between snow today, snow yesterday, snow last year, and snow over the last few decades.
You can find the following resources on our website:
- Daily data visualizations of snow conditions in near-real time across the western United States
- Scientific data analysis articles published during the winter and spring months of the snow season
The Snow Today project is a collaborative effort between the National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC) and the Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research (INSTAAR).