Our Research

As climate changes, how do Earth's frozen areas affect our planet and impact society?

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Thwaites Glacier calving front
Feature Story
A group of researchers and logistic experts have descended on West Antarctica to begin a five-year study of Thwaites Glacier. The project, known as the International Thwaites Glacier Collaboration, aims to better understand the glacier's dramatic ice loss and potential impact on sea level rise.
Data image showing Arctic sea ice extent in 1979
Feature Story
Before the satellite era, remote polar environments made ground- or ship-based research difficult, and sea ice was one of the least understood aspects of Earth’s climate system. Now, sea ice data is literally at our fingertips. The journey to such convenience was not easy.
News Release
The NSIDC DAAC turns 25. The DAAC at NSIDC provides data and information on snow, sea ice, glaciers, ice sheets, ice shelves, frozen ground, soil moisture, and climate interactions, in support of research in global change detection, model validation, and water resource management.