Submit NASA Data to NSIDC DAAC
Assigned Missions & Projects
This page is for data publication requests resulting from missions and projects assigned to NSIDC DAAC and already approved to be published at the DAAC.
When you are ready to begin the process of publishing a new data product or updating an existing data product, follow the steps below.
Step 1: Review and prepare
Before creating your publication request, please carefully review the resources below.
- Review the Earth Science Data Standards, Requirements, and References for how to create data and metadata that aligns with NASA standards.
- Review the NSIDC DAAC Data File Requirements and Recommendations
- If submitting netCDF files, review the NSIDC Guidelines for NetCDF Attributes - a summary of best practices for creating CF-compliant netCDF files.
- Create a sample data file and browse file (if applicable)
- Gather related documentation (e.g., ATBDs, publications)
Step 2: Complete Data Publication request form
Download and complete one of the documents below:
Step 3: Upload Data Publication request
Upload and submit the completed form and accompanying files on our website to initiate a data publication request.
Step 4: Review of Publication Request
DAAC data management staff will contact you after reviewing your Data Publication request. Data publication is a collaboration between the data producer and the DAAC. Therefore, we may ask you to clarify information, and we can provide guidance on data file creation. We do require that data producers provide key, file-level information (preliminary metadata) and a Data Transfer Manifest with the delivery of your data product to enable ingest and improve data discovery through NSIDC DAAC tools and NASA Earthdata Search.