SINTER: Snow International
80th Annual Eastern Snow Conference
We are excited to let you know that the 80th Annual Eastern Snow Conference will be held at the University of Waterloo in Waterloo, Ontario June 4-6, 2024. We look forward to seeing you and your colleagues in June! Researchers at, and alumni of the University of Waterloo have been instrumental in contributions made to snow and ice research, represented by several Snow-Foo award holders over the years, and a life member as well. While the ESC has been organized by members of the University of Waterloo in the past, this marks the first occasion where UWaterloo will be the host!
Presentations on all physical and social aspects of snow and ice research are welcome, including, but not limited to, in situ and remote measurement of snow and ice covers, snow ecology, new advances in snow observation technology, and social interactions with snow.
Abstracts can be submitted here, where you will also find abstract guidelines and a template, and are due March 31, 2024. Students are reminded that they are eligible for several awards, and you should identify your status for consideration.
A block of rooms have been held at the Delta by Marriott Waterloo (1-519-514-0404), with other hotels in the area. Accommodations at the University of Waterloo dorms are also available for public rentals.
The ESC will be hosted at the Balsillie School of International Affairs , an institute for advanced research, education, and outreach in the fields of global governance and international public policy (founded in conjunction with Jim Balsillie, the University of Waterloo, and Wilfrid Laurier University). The institute brings together researchers with diverse expertise to address global climate challenges. Waterloo is located in southwestern Ontario, in the heart of Canada’s Technology Triangle and on the land traditionally cared for by the Haudenosaunee, Anishnaabe and Neutral Peoples. The region is regarded as a perfect balance between new and old, rural and urban, and nature and technology. Waterloo is a place where you can watch electric vehicles pass by horse and buggies on the way to the largest Farmer’s market in Canada (St. Jacob’s Farmer’s Market). Regional flight hubs are located at YKF (Region of Waterloo Airport) and YYZ (Pearson International Airport).
An optional excursion on the afternoon of the 6th is being planned.
We look forward to seeing you in June, when it should be beautiful in Waterloo.
Best regards on behalf of the organizing committee,
Grant Gunn
Assistant Professor
Department of Geography and Environmental Management
University of Waterloo
8th EGU Snow Science Winter School
The registration for the European snow school in Feb 2024 is now open! Register here.
SINTER and CUAHSI Snow Measurement Field School
The SINTER and CUAHSI Snow Measurement Field School will take place in Bretton Woods, New Hampshire with support from NASA Scientists. Participants must apply for this workshop. To find out more, visit the website.
Save the Date! NISAR Science Community Workshop
The NASA ISRO Synthetic Aperture Radar (NISAR) Science Workshop will be an in-person event organized by NASA and UNAVCO to bring together the science community in solid earth, ecosystems, cryosphere, hydro-geodesy, and other areas of science that will benefit from the NISAR mission.
Registration will be open in November. To learn more about the NISAR mission, go to nisar.jpl.nasa.gov.
SINTER Snow School, Now Online
We are happy to announce that our snow school will take place online this year. With help from CUASHI, we will be posting videos that can be viewed on this site. Please visit the Snow School portion of the subsite to check it out.
Snow Podcast
Here at SINTER, we are always excited about our friends getting PR! Check out the new podcast episode featuring Carl Benson and Maththew Sturm! The episode is called "Extreme Researchers: Carl Benson and Matthew Sturm," and can be found on Northern Soundings. Click here to listen.