Sea Ice Index Daily and Monthly Image Viewer
Compare & Animate
Use the interactive tools below to compare sea ice trends and anomalies and to animate monthly extent, concentrations, anomalies, and trends.
Compare sea ice trends
Compare sea ice anomalies across time
Animate monthly extent, concentrations, anomalies, and trends
Tips for using the sea ice animation tool
Use the dropdown menus to choose the year, month, hemisphere, and type of image you want to view.
The animation controls at the bottom provide various options to allow you to animate forwards and backwards through time.
To download the image use your browser's Save function (usually a right-click menu option). It is possible to select an image that doesn't exist - either the date is out of range or the data are missing for some other reason. This results in a NO DATA image or a regular image with the caption "Insufficient Data Available".
Note: The viewer will always return the most recent Concentration Trends images regardless of the year selected.
Checking Fixed Month Animations causes the auto step to increment the year only. Otherwise, the month is incremented and then the year.