International Ice Charting Working Group
Task Teams
At IICWG-XIX in September 2018, the IICWG altered its organizational structure to provide flexibility in identifying and addressing ice service challenges by replacing the Standing Committees with Task Teams. Task Teams work under the IICWG Charter and Terms of Reference, focused on specific themed actions identified by the ice services and discussed by the plenary during the annual meetings. Task Teams will have flexible membership, operating procedures, timelines, and deliverables that are tailored to best address the particular theme for which they are responsible. All Task Teams will be led by a champion who will guide their team to complete specific work items and achieve well-defined goals. Rather than being permanent entities, Task Teams are intended to have a defined life span.
Responsibilities of the Task Team Lead
- As champion for the theme, assemble a team of willing and committed members
- Establish goals and milestones, leading the Task Team to complete their tasks
- Participate in quarterly teleconferences of the Co-Chairs’ Coordination Committee to provide progress updates and assist in setting the agenda for the IICWG Annual Meeting
- Schedule and chair Task Team meetings and teleconferences as necessary
- Lead the preparation and presentation of documents and reports at the IICWG meetings
- Follow-up on action items
These task teams have assumed responsibility for the work of the former Standing Committees. Past records of the Committees are listed below.
For information on the current Task Team activity please consult the IICWG Secretariat.
Past Committees
Data, Information, and Customer Support Standing Committee (DICSSC)
Action Items
DICSSC Action Items (Sep 2018)
Terms of Reference
Data, Information and Customer Support Standing Committee (DICSSC) Terms of Reference (Jul 2018)
Penny Wagner
Norwegian Ice Service
Tromsø, Norway
Alvaro Scardilli
Argentine Naval Hydrographic Service
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Antti Kangas
Finnish Meteorological Institute
Helsinki, Finland
For access to this Wiki, contact the IICWG Secretariat for login credentials.
DICSSC Committee Reports and Presentations
- DISCSC Action Items from IICWG-XV (Nov. 2014)
- DICSSC Report to IICWG-XV (Nov. 2014)
- DISCSC Action Items from IICWG-XIV (Oct. 2013)
- DICSSC Report to IICWG-XIV (Oct. 2013)
- DICSSC Action Items from IICWG-XIII (Dec. 2012)
- DICSSC Report to IICWG-XIII (Oct. 2012)
- DICSSC Action Items from IICWG-XII (Nov. 2011)
- DICSSC Report to IICWG-XII (Oct. 2011)
- DICSSC Action Items from IICWG-XI (Nov. 2010)
- DICSSC Report to IICWG-XI (Nov. 2010)
- DICSSC Action Items from IICWG-X (Dec. 2009)
- DICSSC Report to IICWG-X (Dec. 2009)
- DICSSC Meeting Report IICWG-9 (Action Items from IICWG-IX) (Dec. 2008)
- DICSSC Status of Action Items from IICWG-VIII (Nov. 2007)
- Data, Information, and Customer Support Standing Committee Report on Action Items from IICWG-7, 26 October 2007 (Nov. 2007)
- Standing Committee on Data, Information, and Customer Support Action Items (IICWG VII) (Nov. 2006)
- Data, Information and Customer Support Committee Action Items (IICWG VI) (Nov. 2005)
- IPY Operations Work Session Report (IICWG VI) (Oct. 200
Interoperable Data Formats - Action Item DC 6.1.1 Reference Material and Discussion at IICWG VII, Helsinki
- Interoperable Data Formats: Action Item Summary of Progress for IICWG VII (from P. Seymour Sep. 2006)
- Ice Service Requirements Questionnaire (Questionnaire with CIS response as an example, from J. Falkingham Sep. 2006)
- Interoperable Data Formats: IICWG SCDICS tasks in progress (informal minutes on the 6.1 AI discussion at IICWG VII, from F. Fetterer Sep. 2006)
- Status report, action item DC 6.1.1 (from P. Seymour Sep. 2006)
- DIFD Ice Types Version 3.0 (Excel file, from P. Seymour Sep. 2006)
- Feature Object Attributes Version 3.0 (from P. Seymour Sep. 2006)
- Geo Object Classes Version 3.0 (from P. Seymour Sep. 2006)
Interoperable Data Formats - Special Session at IICWG VI, Ottawa
- Interoperable Data Formats Technical Session Summary Report (IICWG VI)
- Interoperable Data Formats Technical Session Summary Report (IICWG VI)
- Virtual Ice Charting System
- Session on Interoperable Data Formats: Agenda
- Interoperable Data Formats Introduction - Falkingham
- Interoperable Data Formats in Production Systems - Scarlett-Denault
Electronic Chart Display and Information System (ECDIS) Material
- ECDIS Ice Objects Catalogue Version 3.0
- Ice In ECDIS (Reaching out to our marine users)
- Ice In ECDIS Web Sites
- Ice In ECDIS Workshop 2000 (link to folder containing presentations and rep
Sea Ice Mapping Systems - Presentations and Reports (see also items under the Standing Committee on Applied Science and Research)
- SIMS Architecture.
A draft presentation with recommendations, introduction, and summary page added (changes in green). Send comments, additions, and changes to Paul Seymour. Later versions will be posted on this page. - SIMS Introduction and Summary.
This presentation is intended to summarize IMS progress and issues for all of IICWG-V, on Thursday April 22, 2004, 13:30. Send comments, additions, and changes to Paul Seymour. We will work on this at the meeting in the standing committee breakout as well. - Providing METOC Data in SIMS: A Capabilities/Feasibility Study Prepared for the U.S. National Ice Center.
This white paper outlines the U.S. National Ice Center's position regarding operational aspects of incorporating meteorology data in SIMS, their sea ice mapping system. While specific to NIC, aspects of the challenges faced by NIC may be of interest to other centers.
Sea Ice Mapping Systems - Requirements
- Draft IMS requirements from P. Seymour
- IMS Modules or Utilities: These modules or utilities could be made available to the community; from J. Falkingham
Sea Ice and Iceberg Training Modules - Action Item DC 16-5
These modules were compiled together in 2016 by the DICSSC Co-chairs and Secretariat to fulfill to an IICWG 2015 Action Item DC 16-5: Make a list of publicly available sea ice training modules and set a link to them on the IICWG web-site. The following lists provide links to resources for sea ice and iceberg training.
Resources from UCAR's MetEd
- Sea Ice and Products and Services of the National Ice Center: Two-hour module examines sea ice, icebergs, and the products and services of the National Ice Center and the North American Ice Service.
- River Ice Processes: Module provides information on flooding associated with river ice jams
- Ship-based Sea and Lake Ice Observing: This lesson is aimed at those tasked with reporting ice conditions as part of standard weather reporting procedures.
- Arctic Meteorology and Oceanography - Lesson 8: Sea Ice and Icebergs: This lesson describes the climatology and classification of sea ice and icebergs.
- Feature Identification Exercises: Clouds, Snow and Ice Using MODIS: This module consists of four exercises where users identify surface features, distinguish clouds from snow on the ground, and determine cloud phase using multispectral analysis.
Other Sites
- Educational Resources at NSIDC: Various education resources from the National Snow and Ice Data Center - Bringing the cryosphere to the classroom.
- Graphing the Extent of Sea Ice in the Arctic and Antarctic: In this activity, from NOAA's climate.gov web site, students learn about sea ice extent in both polar regions, Arctic and Antarctic.
- Sea Ice and Permafrost: Various lessons from the Woodside Australian Science Project covering melting sea ice, sea level rise, melting permafrost, and methane for K-12 educators.
Resources on YouTube
- Ice in the Climate System: Undergraduate level lecture from Yale Courses discussing the five types of ice in the climate system: sea ice, ice sheets, ice shelves, icebergs, and mountain glaciers.
- Ice and Climate Change: Undergraduate level lecture from Yale Courses discussing how the ice on earth is sensitive to climate change and how ice plays a role in the climate change processes.
Applied Science and Research Standing Committee (ASRSC)
Action Items
ASRSC Action Items (Sep. 2018)
Terms of Reference
Applied Science and Research Standing Committee (ASRSC) Terms of Reference (Jan. 2016)
In 2010, the ASRSC created a Data Assimilation Working Group with its own Terms of Reference and Membership.
Dean Flett
Canadian Ice Service
Ottawa, Canada
Wolfgang Dierking
Alfred Wegener Institute
Bremerhaven, Germany
Philip Reid
University of Tasmania
Hobart, Tasmania
For access to this Wiki, contact the IICWG Secretariat for login credentials.
ASRSC Committee Reports and Presentations
- ASRSC Action Items from IICWG-XV (Nov. 2014)
- ASRSC Report to IICWG-XV (Nov. 2014)
- ASRSC Action Items from IICWG-XIV (Nov. 2013)
- ASRSC Report to IICWG-XIV (Nov. 2013)
- ASRSC Action Items from IICWG-XIII (Nov. 2012)
- ASRSC Report to IICWG-XIII (Nov. 2012)
- ASRSC Action Items from IICWG-XII (Nov. 2011)
- ASRSC Report to IICWG-XII (Nov. 2011)
- Accuracy of Visual Estimation of Ice Concentration in CIS Ice Charts (Apr. 2012)
- ASRSC Action Items from IICWG-XI (Nov. 2010)
- ASRSC Report to IICWG-XI (Nov. 2010)
- ASRSC Action Items from IICWG-X (Nov. 2009)
- ASRSC Reprot to IICWG-X (Nov. 2009)
- ASRSC Action Items from IICWG-IX (Oct. 2008)
- ASRSC Meeting Report from IICWG-IX (Oct. 2008)
- ASRSC Annual Report at IICWG-IX (Oct. 2008)
- ASRSC New actions from IICWG-VIII (Oct. 2007)
- ASRSC Action from IICWG-VII (Oct. 2007)
- ASRSC Open Action Items for IICWG-VII (Oct. 2006)
- Applied Science and Research Committee Report and Action Items from IICWG VI, final version (Oct. 2005)
- Summary of IICWG V (Hamburg) Science Workshop and Committee Sessions (Apr. 2004)
- An International Collaborative Effort Towards Automated Sea Ice Chart Production (Apr. 2003, white paper by Carrieres et al.)
- IMS presentations from IICWG-IV (link to a folder containing the presentations)
Iceberg Standing Committee
Action Items
ISC Action Items (Sep. 2018)
Mike Hicks
International Ice Patrol
United States
Keld Qvistgaard
Danish Meteorological Institute
Copenhagen, Denmark
Alvaro Scardilli
Argentine Naval Hydrographic Service
Buenos Aires, Argentina