Data Announcement

New version available: Nenana Ice Classic: Tanana River Ice Annual Breakup Dates, Version 2

The Nenana Ice Classic: Tanana River Ice Annual Breakup Dates, Version 2 data set, accessible through the NASA National Snow and Ice Data Center Distributed Active Archive Center (NSIDC DAAC), has been updated to a new version. The data set now spans 1917 to 2020, the file format has changed to .csv, and errors in the computation of the fractional time of day have been corrected. The data access location for this data set has also changed. Users accessing this data set through a script will need to update accordingly. The new data access URL is This data set provides the date and time when the Tanana River ice, in the town of Nenana, AK, breaks up each spring. The timing of the ice break up is given in both standard date and time units and as a decimal day of the year. Data set DOI: