Data Announcement
  • Soil moisture

New data sets released: SMAPVEX19-21 Massachusetts and Millbrook Temporary Soil Moisture Network

The SMAPVEX19-21 Massachusetts and Millbrook Temporary Soil Moisture Network, Version 1 data sets, are now available at the NASA National Snow and Ice Data Center Distributed Active Archive Center (NSIDC DAAC). These data sets contain soil moisture sensor, soil temperature and air temperature measurements recorded by 25 temporary stations in both Massachusetts (MA) and Millbrook (MB) experiment locations during SMAPVEX19-21. These data sets are available as part of an early release. Minimal documentation is currently available. An increased Level of Service and more detailed documentation will be available in the future. The NSIDC DAAC provides access to these data sets and documentation from the following locations: SMAPVEX19-21 Massachusetts Temporary Soil Moisture Network, Version 1 Data set DOI: SMAPVEX19-21 Millbrook Temporary Soil Moisture Network, Version 1 Data set DOI: