Data Announcement

icepyx: Python tools for accessing and working with ICESat-2 data

icepyx is a python software library for accessing and working with ICESat-2 data. Acting as a wrapper around Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) supported by the NASA National Snow and Ice Data Center Distributed Active Archive Center (NSIDC DAAC), icepyx enables data acquisition in as few as three lines of code.

icepyx is also a larger project that aims to provide a central repository for code, documentation, data use-cases, tutorials, and educational resources that tackle disciplinary research questions while minimizing the amount of repeated effort across groups utilizing similar datasets. icepyx hopes to foster collaboration, open-science, and reproducible workflows by integrating and sharing resources.

Behind the icepyx project is a community of ICESat-2 data users, developers, scientists, and students. This community is working to develop a shared library of resources that simplify the process of querying, obtaining, analyzing, and manipulating ICESat-2 datasets to enable scientific discovery. Many of the icepyx tools began as Jupyter Notebooks developed during the cryosphere themed ICESat-2 Hackweek at the University of Washington in June 2019 and as scripts written and used by the ICESat-2 Science Team members. icepyx combines and generalizes these scripts into a unified framework, making them accessible for everyone. icepyx is available for installation via pip or from the GitHub repository. Examples of using icepyx for data access and visualization are available as Jupyter Notebooks. Installation You can learn more about installing and using icepyx on the project’s website and Github repository.