Data Announcement

Composites Pull Together Best Recovered Nimbus Images

Thanks to the the NASA-funded Nimbus Data Rescue Project, users can now download daily composites of the best images recovered from the Nimbus 1, 2, and 3 missions that spanned 1964 - 1970. Global composites are available in two new data sets: Nimbus Advanced Vidicon Camera System Remapped Visible Imagery Daily L3, HDF5 and Nimbus Image Dissector Camera System Remapped Visible Imagery Daily L3, HDF5. GeoTIFF fans can obtain the equatorial portion of the composites from the Nimbus Advanced Vidicon Camera System Remapped Visible Imagery Daily L3, GeoTIFF and Nimbus Image Dissector Camera System Remapped Visible Imagery Daily L3, GeoTIFF sites.