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- The most recently-published posts on our analyses sites, such as Arctic Sea Ice News and Analyses (ASINA), Snow Today, and Ice Sheets Today
- Summaries and recordings of conferences and seminars, and invites to join some upcoming gatherings
- New and updated Spotlight and Ask a Scientist articles highlighting exciting NSIDC data and research, and what it can tell us about the frozen parts of our planet
- Quick facts about cryosphere features like glaciers and ice sheets and the people and wildlife that depend on them
- News and research related to snow and ice, featuring NSIDC scientists and our partners and friends around the world
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Have you used data archived at NSIDC for a research paper, educational lesson, or another project? Let us know by emailing us at You'll also find an invite to submit your stories, questions, or comments at the bottom of every newsletter, and your input might even find its way onto our website or future newsletters! Ultimately, we want to better support our current users, while inspiring others to to put our free data and other resources "into action" to grow awareness of our frozen planet and how it's changing.
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We want these newsletters to be a welcome addition to your inbox - not "junk mail." We don't purchase or skim emails from anywhere else; you were only subscribed because you opted into receiving NSIDC News on our website. However, if you feel you were added by mistake, or if these emails are no longer of interest, you can easily unsubscribe using the link at the bottom of each newsletter.
Thank you again, for your interest in the news coming out of NSIDC. We look forward to connecting with you soon!
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