• NSIDC's website will undergo planned maintenance on Wednesday, January 15, from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. (U.S. Mountain Time). During this time, the NSIDC.org website and most NSIDC data access may be briefly unavailable.

Guide to the NSIDC Data Map Services API

The NSIDC Data Map Services Application Programming Interface (API) provides HTTP URLs for requesting geo-registered map images from NSIDC's geospatial database. A WMS request defines the geographic layer(s) and area of interest to be processed. The response to the request is one geo-registered map image returned as a PNG 24bit, PNG 8bit, GIF, JPEG, or JPEG-PNG that can be displayed in a browser. You can also obtain a Keyhole Markup Language (KML) image to view in Google Earth, and a Geography Markup Language (GML) XML grammar file through a WFS request.

The OGC protocols availabe for use are Web Map Service (WMS), Web Feature Service (WFS), and Web Coverage Service (WCS).

Web Map Service (WMS) 1.1.1 Provides map and legend images of selected data layers and basemaps.
Web Feature Service (WFS) 1.1.0 Provides vector source data (points, lines, and polygons) in Geography Markup Language (GML) format.
Web Coverage Service (WCS) 1.1.1 Provides raster source data (rectangular grids of data values) in various formats such as GML, GeoTIFF, HDF-EOS, CF-netCDF, and NITF to name just a few.

Getting Started

Remote access to map and legend images can be obtained via OGC GetMap requests. These requests can include various parameters for customizing output, including those listed in the tables below. For complete documentation on creating GetMap requests, please see the WMS specification published through OGC (version 1.1.1).

Using these services, maps and source data can be accessed remotely for your spatial region and layers of interest either directly through a URL string or through the various OGC-compatible clients available for accessing these services, such as Gaia 3, MapServer, ENVI Zoom 4.3.1, Google Earth 4, NASA World Wind, Quantum GIS (QGIS), and uDig, to name just a few.

If you are familiar with OGC Services and don't need access to pre defined URL calls, see Table 1 for a parameter listing. If you are not familiar with OGC Services and would like to use pre defined URL calls to access the maps and source data, follow the directions given below.

Use the Table of Contents below to navigate to the layer you want to use. To use the Data Map Services API, paste the appropriate URL for the layer you want to view into the URL field of a browser.

The query string is case sensitive, and the search is not a free text search, but a very structured one. The ? in the query string separates the URL from the parameters, and the & separates the variables.

Table of Contents

Layer NameDescriptionRaster DataVector Data
Northern Hemisphere Layers  
Northern Hemisphere Sea Ice Concentrations (NSIDC-0051)This layer provides yesterday's daily passive microwave sea ice concentration raster data if the time parameter is left out of the URL call. However, by using the time parameter, you can pick a specific day of data.X 
Sea Ice Index Northern Hemisphere Daily Sea Ice Concentration (G02135)This layer provides yesterday's Sea Ice Index daily passive microwave sea ice concentration raster data if the time parameter is left out of the URL call. However, by using the time parameter, you can pick a specific day of data.X 
Sea Ice Index Northern Hemisphere Monthly Sea Ice Concentration (G02135)This layer provides last month's Sea Ice Index daily passive microwave sea ice concentration raster data if the time parameter is left out of the URL call. However, by using the time parameter, you can pick a specific month of data.X 
Sea Ice Index Northern Hemisphere Daily Sea Ice Extent (G02135)This layer provides yesterday's daily passive microwave sea ice extent raster data if the time parameter is left out of the URL call. However, by using the time parameter, you can pick a specific day of data.X 
Sea Ice Index Northern Hemisphere Monthly Sea Ice Extent (G02135)This layer provides last month's daily passive microwave sea ice extent raster data if the time parameter is left out of the URL call. However, by using the time parameter, you can pick a specific month of data.X 
Sea Ice Index Northern Hemisphere Monthly Sea Ice Extent Polyline Edge (G02135)This layer provides the monthly passive microwave ice edge position line as a vector for last month if the time parameter is left blank. However, by using the time parameter, you can pick a specific month of data X
Southern Hemisphere Layers  
Southern Hemisphere Sea Ice Concentrations (NSIDC-0051)This layer provides yesterday's daily passive microwave sea ice concentration raster data if the time parameter is left out of the URL call. However, by using the time parameter, you can pick a specific day of data.X 
Sea Ice Index Southern Hemisphere Daily Sea Ice Concentration (G02135)This layer provides yesterday's Sea Ice Index daily passive microwave sea ice concentration raster data if the time parameter is left out of the URL call. However, by using the time parameter, you can pick a specific day of data.X 
Sea Ice Index Southern Hemisphere Monthly Sea Ice Concentration (G02135)This layer provides last month's Sea Ice Index daily passive microwave sea ice concentration raster data if the time parameter is left out of the URL call. However, by using the time parameter, you can pick a specific month of data.X 
Sea Ice Index Southern Hemisphere Daily Sea Ice Extent (G02135)This layer provides yesterday's daily passive microwave sea ice extent raster data if the time parameter is left out of the URL call. However, by using the time parameter, you can pick a specific day of data.X 
Sea Ice Index Southern Hemisphere Monthly Sea Ice Extent (G02135) This layer provides last month's daily passive microwave sea ice extent raster data if the time parameter is left out of the URL call. However, by using the time parameter, you can pick a specific month of data.X 
Sea Ice Index Southern Hemisphere Monthly Sea Ice Extent Polyline Edge (G02135)This layer provides the monthly passive microwave ice edge position line as a vector for last month if the time parameter is left blank. However, by using the time parameter, you can pick a specific month of data. X
Global Layers  
MEaSures Global Daily Freeze/Thaw Status (NSIDC-0477)This layer provides global daily freeze/thaw raster data for yesterday if the time parameter is left out of the URL call. However, by using the time parameter, you can pick a specific day of data.X 
IceBridge Flight LinesThis layer provides IceBridge flight lines for the selected map region as vectors. IceBridge flights within the selected timespan are show in map view. The flight lines are presented as a simple line drawn in the map projection. X
Global Land Ice Velocity Extraction from Landsat 8 (NSIDC-0710)This layer provides raster data of ice speed for all ice areas greater than 5km2 within the selected map area and over the time range indicated. The data are presented as raster data of the scalar of velocity, colorized to indicate the ice flow speed.X 
Greenland Layers  
Greenland MeltThis layer provides a passive-microwave-derived indication of of melt extend (for daily data) or a map of the number of days that melt was detected in a mapped grid cell (for monthly data). One-day extent data are presented as a binary mask (melt / no-melt) and the monthly melt days data are provided as an integer for each grid cell (0 to 31).X 
MEaSUREs Greeland Ice Sheet Velocity Map from InSAR (NSIDC-0478)This layer provides the observed mean ice flow speed for the period selected. Monthly, seasonal, annual, or multi-annual mappings are available. These mappings generally represent a trade-off between temporal detail (for glaciers that vary in speed) and accuracy (more accurate speeds are produced for the longer time-intervals of the mapping). Daily data are not available.X 


Use the parameters listed in Table 1 to define your query string. For example query strings, see the Table of Contents to navigate to the layer example you want to view.

Table 1. The Parameters for All Requests







Returns the monthly northern extent raster data


NSIDC:g02135_extent_raster_monthly _s

Returns the monthly southern extent raster data


Returns the monthly northern concentration raster data


Returns the monthly southern concentration raster data


Returns the daily northern extent raster data


Returns the daily southern extent raster data


Returns the daily northern concentration raster data


Returns the daily southern concentration raster data


Returns the northern ice edge monthly edge position as a vector.


Returns the southern ice monthly edge position as a vector.


Returns the northern ice extent as a vector monthly edge position.


Returns the southern ice extent as a vector monthly edge position.

NSIDC:nsidc_0051_raster_nReturns northern daily passive microwave sea ice concentration raster data.
NSIDC:nsidc_0477_raster_gReturns global daily freeze/thaw raster data.
NSIDC:icebridge_flightlinesReturns IceBridge flight lines for the selected map region as vectors.
NSIDC:golive_sReturns raster data of ice speed for all ice areas greater than 5km2 within the selected map area and over the time range indicated.
NSIDC:greenland_meltReturns a passive-microwave-derived indication of of melt extend (for daily data) or a map of the number of days that melt was detected in a mapped grid cell (for monthly data).
NSIDC:nsidc_0478_v2_measures_greenland_ice_sheet_velReturns the observed mean ice flow speed for the period selected. Monthly, seasonal, annual, or multi-annual mappings are available.



Styles the extent data with land, ocean, and coast line with the Sea Ice Index colors.



Styles the concentration data with land, ocean, coast line, and pole hole with the Sea Ice Index colors.


When looking at an extent layer, use this style to see extent pixels that contain missing data, use this style. It shows the missing data as yellow areas.


When looking at a concentration layer, use this style to see concentration pixels that contain missing data, use this style. It shows the missing data as yellow areas.

nsidc_0051_raster_nA style for the nsidc_0051 Combined Sea Ice Extent North Rasters.


A style for the combined freeze-thaw rasters.

Default Line

A style that draws a line.

Default Polygon

A style that draws a polygon.


A style that displays melt, no melt, and missing areas.


A style used so that velocity data in the GeoServer looks the same as the browse images the PI provides in the data product itself.


Leave this parameter empty when you want to just see the data. Land, ocean, coast, and pole hole are styled transparent which allows users to use their own basemap with the Sea Ice Index data. Note: You should also set transparent to true when using an empty style because the default background is white.


Value is minx, miny, maxx, maxy in units of the srs.

Bounding box for map extent.




Width of map output




Height of map output



Value is in form EPSG:nnn. The native srs for the Sea Ice Index is EPSG:3411 for the north and EPSG:3412 for the south. However, GeoServer supports any registered EPSG codes in the EPSG database. You can see a list on the Spatial Reference List.

Spatial Reference System for map output.



There are many different supported formats. See GeoServer documentation on WMS output formats.

Format of the map output.



&TIME=YYYY-MM-DD for daily data

&TIME=YYYY-MM for monthly data

You can pick a different date by appending this parameter to the request. Default is to show the most recent data which is usually the previous day.



Value is in the form RRGGBB. Default is FFFFFF (white).

Background color for the map image.



Values are true or false. Default is false

Whether the map background should be transparent.


Northern Hemisphere

Northern Hemisphere Sea Ice Concentrations (NSIDC-0051)

To use the Data Map Services API for the Northern Hemisphere Sea Ice Concentrations layer, paste one of the following example URLs from Table 2 into the URL field of a browser. The query string can contain all or any combination of the parameters listed in Tables 3 and 4.

This layer provides yesterday's Northern Hemisphere daily passive microwave sea ice concentration raster data if the time parameter is left out of the URL call. However, by using the time parameter, you can pick a specific day of data. Refer to Table 3 for the correct values.
The styles parameter is also left blank in the example URL below. Refer to Table 3 for the correct values.


Table 2. Example Layer URLs for the Northern Hemisphere Sea Ice Concentrations (NSIDC-0051)

Layer FormatsURLs
Open Layershttps://nsidc.org/api/mapservices/NSIDC/wms?service=WMS&version=1.1.0&request=GetMap&layers=NSIDC:nsidc_0051_raster_n&


Table 3. Parameters for a GetMap Request for the Northern Hemisphere Sea Ice Concentrations (NSIDC-0051)

serviceWMSWeb Map Service
version1.1.0Request version.
requestGetMapRequest name.
layersNSIDC:nsidc_0051_raster_nMap layer.
stylesnsidc_0051_raster_nA simple style for the nsidc_0051 Combined Sea Ice Extent North Rasters.
{empty}Leave this parameter empty when you want to just see the data and use your own basemap. Land, ocean, coast, and pole hole are styled transparent which allows you to use your own basemap.
You should also set transparent to true when using an empty style because the default background is white.
bbox-6931411.929201335,-6931411.929201335,6931411.929201335,6931411.929201335Bounding box corners—lower left (min x, min y) and upper right (max x, max y).
width768Width of requested map in pixels.
height768Height of requested map in pixels.
srsEPSG:3413Spatial reference system. This must be specified as an EPSG code, which is a shorthand way of specifying a map projection and other coordinate parameters.
Output format of requested map. For a complete listing of all the formats, see the GeoServer WMS Output Formats Web page.

YYYY-MM-DD  - for daily data
YYYY-MM  - for monthly data


  • YYYY = 4-digit year
  • MM = 2-digit month
  • DD = 2-digit day
This layer provides yesterday's Northern Hemisphere daily passive microwave sea ice concentration raster data if the time parameter is left out of the URL call. However, by using the time parameter, you can pick a specific day of data.


Table 4. Parameters for a GetCoverage Request for the Northern Hemisphere Sea Ice Concentrations (NSIDC-0051)

serviceWCSWeb Coverage Service
version1.1.1Request version.
requestDescribeCoverageRequest name.
identifiersNSIDC:nsidc_0051_raster_nMap layer.


Sea Ice Index Northern Hemisphere Daily Sea Ice Concentration (G02135)

To use the Data Map Services API for the Sea Ice Index Northern Hemisphere Daily Sea Ice Concentration layer, paste one of the following example URLs from Table 5 into the URL field of a browser. The query string can contain all or any combination of the parameters listed in Tables 6 and 7.

This layer provides yesterday's daily passive microwave sea ice concentration raster data if the time parameter is left out of the URL call. However, by using the time parameter, you can pick a specific day of data. Refer to Table 6 for the correct values.
The styles parameter is also left blank in the example URL below. Refer to Table 6 for the correct values.


Table 5. Example Layer URLs for the Sea Ice Index Northern Hemisphere Daily Sea Ice Concentration (G02135)

Layer FormatsURLs
Open Layershttps://nsidc.org/api/mapservices/NSIDC/wms?service=WMS&version=1.1.0&request=GetMap&layers=NSIDC:g02135_concentration_raster_daily_n&


Table 6. Parameters for a GetMap Request for the Sea Ice Index Northern Hemisphere Daily Sea Ice Concentration (G02135)

serviceWMSWeb Map Service
version1.1.0Request version, currently 1.1.0
requestGetMapRequest name.
layersNSIDC:g02135_concentration_raster_daily_nMap layer.
stylesg02135_concenration_raster_basemapStyles the concentration data with the Sea Ice Index colors for land, ocean, coast line, and pole hole.
g02135_concenration_raster_with_missingUse this style to see concentration pixels that contain missing data. It shows the missing data as yellow areas.
{empty}Leave this parameter empty when you want to just see the data and use your own basemap. Land, ocean, coast, and pole hole are styled transparent which allows you to use your own basemap.
You should also set transparent to true when using an empty style because the default background is white.
bbox-3850000.0,-5350000.0,3750000.0,5850000.0Bounding box corners—lower left (min x, min y) and upper right (max x, max y).
width521Width of requested map in pixels.
height768Height of requested map in pixels.
srsEPSG:3411Spatial reference system. This must be specified as an EPSG code, which is a shorthand way of specifying a map projection and other coordinate parameters.
Output format of requested map. For a complete listing of all the formats, see the GeoServer WMS Output Formats Web page.

YYYY-MM-DD  - for daily data
YYYY-MM  - for monthly data


  • YYYY = 4-digit year
  • MM = 2-digit month
  • DD = 2-digit day

To pick a specific day, add the time parameter.

This layer provides yesterday's daily passive microwave sea ice concentration raster data if the time parameter is left out of the URL call. However, by using the time parameter, you can pick a specific day of data.


Table 7. Parameters for a GetCoverage Request for the Sea Ice Index Northern Hemisphere Daily Sea Ice Concentration (G02135)

serviceWCSWeb Coverage Service
version1.1.1Request version.
requestDescribeCoverageRequest name.
identifiersNSIDC:g02135_concentration_raster_daily_nMap layer.

Sea Ice Index Northern Hemisphere Monthly Sea Ice Concentration (G02135)

To use the Data Map Services API for the Sea Ice Index Northern Hemisphere Monthly Sea Ice Concentration layer, paste one of the following example URLs from Table 8 into the URL field of a browser. The query string can contain all or any combination of the parameters listed in Tables 9 and 10.

This layer provides last month's daily passive microwave sea ice concentration raster data if the time parameter is left out of the URL call. However, by using the time parameter, you can pick a specific month of data. Refer to Table 9 for the correct values.
The styles parameter is also left blank in the example URL below. Refer to Table 9 for the correct values.


Table 8. Example Layer URLs for the Sea Ice Index Northern Hemisphere Monthly Sea Ice Concentration (G02135)

Layer FormatsURLs
Open Layershttps://nsidc.org/api/mapservices/NSIDC/wms?service=WMS&version=1.1.0&request=GetMap&layers=NSIDC:g02135_concentration_raster_monthly_n&


Table 9. Parameters for a GetMap Request for the Sea Ice Index Northern Hemisphere Monthly Sea Ice Concentration (G02135)

serviceWMSWeb Map Service
version1.1.0Request version, currently 1.1.0
requestGetMapRequest name.
layersNSIDC:g02135_concentration_raster_monthly_nMap layer.
stylesg02135_concenration_raster_basemapStyles the concentration data with the Sea Ice Index colors for land, ocean, coast line, and pole hole.
g02135_concenration_raster_with_missingUse this style to see concentration pixels that contain missing data. It shows the missing data as yellow areas.
{empty}Leave this parameter empty when you want to just see the data and use your own basemap. Land, ocean, coast, and pole hole are styled transparent which allows you to use your own basemap.
You should also set transparent to true when using an empty style because the default background is white.
bbox3850000.0,-5350000.0,3750000.0,5850000.0Bounding box corners—lower left (min x, min y) and upper right (max x, max y).
width521Width of requested map in pixels.
height768Height of requested map in pixels.
srsEPSG:3411Spatial reference system. This must be specified as an EPSG code, which is a shorthand way of specifying a map projection and other coordinate parameters.
Output format of requested map. For a complete listing of all the formats, see the GeoServer WMS Output Formats Web page.

YYYY-MM-DD  - for daily data
YYYY-MM  - for monthly data


  • YYYY = 4-digit year
  • MM = 2-digit month
  • DD = 2-digit day
This layer provides last month's daily passive microwave sea ice concentration raster data if the time parameter is left out of the URL call. However, by using the time parameter, you can pick a specific month of data.


Table 10. Parameters for a GetCoverage Request for the Sea Ice Index Northern Hemisphere Monthly Sea Ice Concentration (G02135)

serviceWCSWeb Coverage Service
version1.1.1Request version.
requestDescribeCoverageRequest name.
identifiersNSIDC:g02135_concentration_raster_monthly_nMap layer.

Sea Ice Index Northern Hemisphere Daily Sea Ice Extent (G02135)

To use the Data Map Services API for the Sea Ice Index Northern Hemisphere Daily Sea Ice Extent layer, paste one of the following example URLs from Table 11 into the URL field of a browser. The query string can contain all or any combination of the parameters listed in Tables 12 and 13.

This layer provides yesterday's daily passive microwave sea ice extent raster data if the time parameter is left out of the URL call. However, by using the time parameter, you can pick a specific day of data. Refer to Table 12 for the correct values.
The styles parameter is also left blank in the example URL below. Refer to Table 12 for the correct values.


Table 11. Layer URLs for the Sea Ice Index Northern Hemisphere Daily Sea Ice Extent (G02135)

Layer FormatsURLs
Open Layershttps://nsidc.org/api/mapservices/NSIDC/wms?service=WMS&version=1.1.0&request=GetMap&layers=NSIDC:g02135_extent_raster_daily_n&


Table 12. Parameters for a GetMap Request for the Sea Ice Index Northern Hemisphere Daily Sea Ice Extent (G02135)

serviceWMSWeb Map Service
version1.1.0Request version, currently 1.1.0
requestGetMapRequest name.
layersNSIDC:g02135_extent_raster_daily_nMap layer.
stylesg02135_extent_raster_basemapStyles the extent data with the Sea Ice Index colors for land, ocean, and coast line.
g02135_extent_raster_with_missingUse this style to see extent pixels that contain missing data. It shows the missing data as yellow areas.
{empty}Leave this parameter empty when you want to just see the data and use your own basemap. Land, ocean, coast, and pole hole are styled transparent which allows you to use your own basemap.
You should also set transparent to true when using an empty style because the default background is white.
bbox3850000.0,-5350000.0,3750000.0,5850000.0Bounding box corners—lower left (min x, min y) and upper right (max x, max y).
width521Width of requested map in pixels.
height768Height of requested map in pixels.
srsEPSG:3411Spatial reference system. This must be specified as an EPSG code, which is a shorthand way of specifying a map projection and other coordinate parameters.
Output format of requested map. For a complete listing of all the formats, see the GeoServer WMS Output Formats Web page.

YYYY-MM-DD  - for daily data
YYYY-MM  - for monthly data


  • YYYY = 4-digit year
  • MM = 2-digit month
  • DD = 2-digit day
This layer provides yesterday's daily passive microwave sea ice extent raster data if the time parameter is left out of the URL call. However, by using the time parameter, you can pick a specific day of data.


Table 13. Parameters for a GetCoverage Request for the Sea Ice Index Northern Hemisphere Daily Sea Ice Extent (G02135)

serviceWCSWeb Coverage Service
version1.1.1Request version.
requestDescribeCoverageRequest name.
identifiersNSIDC:g02135_extent_raster_daily_nMap layer.

Sea Ice Index Northern Hemisphere Monthly Sea Ice Extent (G02135)

To use the Data Map Services API for the Sea Ice Index Northern Hemisphere Monthly Sea Ice Extent layer, paste one of the following example URLs from Table 14 into the URL field of a browser. The query string can contain all or any combination of the parameters listed in Tables 15 and 16.

This layer provides last month's daily passive microwave sea ice extent raster data if the time parameter is left out of the URL call. However, by using the time parameter, you can pick a specific month of data. Refer to Table 15 for the correct values.
The styles parameter is also left blank in the example URL below. Refer to Table 15 for the correct values.


Table 14. Layer URLs for the Sea Ice Index Northern Hemisphere Monthly Sea Ice Extent (G02135)

Layer FormatsURLs
Open Layershttps://nsidc.org/api/mapservices/NSIDC/wms?service=WMS&version=1.1.0&request=GetMap&layers=NSIDC:g02135_extent_raster_monthly_n&


Table 15. Parameters for a GetMap Request for the Sea Ice Index Northern Hemisphere Monthly Sea Ice Extent (G02135)

serviceWMSWeb Map Service
version1.1.0Request version, currently 1.1.0
requestGetMapRequest name.
layersNSIDC:g02135_extent_raster_monthly_nMap layer.


Styles the extent data with the Sea Ice Index colors for land, ocean, and coast line.


Use this style to see extent pixels that contain missing data. It shows the missing data as yellow areas.


Leave this parameter empty when you want to just see the data and use your own basemap. Land, ocean, coast, and pole hole are styled transparent which allows you to use your own basemap.
You should also set transparent to true when using an empty style because the default background is white.
bbox3850000.0,-5350000.0,3750000.0,5850000.0Bounding box corners—lower left (min x, min y) and upper right (max x, max y).
width521Width of requested map in pixels.
height768Height of requested map in pixels.
srsEPSG:3411Spatial reference system. This must be specified as an EPSG code, which is a shorthand way of specifying a map projection and other coordinate parameters.
Output format of requested map. For a complete listing of all the formats, see the GeoServer WMS Output Formats Web page.

YYYY-MM-DD  - for daily data
YYYY-MM  - for monthly data


  • YYYY = 4-digit year
  • MM = 2-digit month
  • DD = 2-digit day
This layer provides last month's daily passive microwave sea ice extent raster data if the time parameter is left out of the URL call. However, by using the time parameter, you can pick a specific month of data.


Table 16. Parameters for a GetCoverage Request for the Sea Ice Index Northern Hemisphere Monthly Sea Ice Extent (G02135)

serviceWCSWeb Coverage Service
version1.1.1Request version.
requestDescribeCoverageRequest name.
identifiersNSIDC:g02135_extent_raster_monthly_nMap layer.

Sea Ice Index Northern Hemisphere Monthly Sea Ice Extent Polyline Edge (G02135)

To use the Data Map Services API for the Sea Ice Index Northern Hemisphere Monthly Sea Ice Extent Polyline Edge layer, paste one of the following example URLs from Table 17 into the URL field of a browser. The query string can contain all or any combination of the parameters listed in Tables 18 and 19.

This layer returns the monthly Northern ice edge position line as a vector for last month if the time parameter is left blank. However, by using the time parameter, you can pick a specific month of data. Refer to Table 18 for the correct values.
The styles parameter is also left blank in the example URL below. Refer to Table 18 for the correct values.


Table 17. Example Layer URLs for the Sea Ice Index Northern Hemisphere Monthly Sea Ice Extent Polyline Edge (G02135)

Layer FormatsURLs
Open Layershttps://nsidc.org/api/mapservices/NSIDC/wms?service=WMS&version=1.1.0&request=GetMap&layers=NSIDC:g02135_polyline_n&


Table 18. Parameters for a GetMap Request for the Sea Ice Index Northern Hemisphere Monthly Sea Ice Extent Polyline Edge (G02135)

serviceWMSWeb Map Service
version1.1.0Request version, currently 1.1.0
requestGetMapRequest name.
layersNSIDC:g02135_polyline_nMap layer.


Styles the extent data with the Sea Ice Index colors for land, ocean, and coast line.


Use this style to see extent pixels that contain missing data. It shows the missing data as yellow areas.


Leave this parameter empty when you want to just see the data and use your own basemap. Land, ocean, coast, and pole hole are styled transparent which allows you to use your own basemap.
You should also set transparent to true when using an empty style because the default background is white
bbox3400000.0,-4725000.0,3400000.0,5850000.0Bounding box corners—lower left (min x, min y) and upper right (max x, max y).
width493Width of requested map in pixels.
height768Height of requested map in pixels.
srsEPSG:3413Spatial reference system. This must be specified as an EPSG code, which is a shorthand way of specifying a map projection and other coordinate parameters.
Output format of requested map. For a complete listing of all the formats, see the GeoServer WMS Output Formats Web page.

YYYY-MM-DD  - for daily data
YYYY-MM  - for monthly data


  • YYYY = 4-digit year
  • MM = 2-digit month
  • DD = 2-digit day
This layer returns the monthly Northern ice edge position line as a vector for last month if the time parameter is left blank. However, by using the time parameter, you can pick a specific month of data.


Table 19. Parameters for a GetFeature Request for the Sea Ice Index Northern Hemisphere Monthly Sea Ice Extent Polyline Edge (G02135)

serviceWFSWeb Feature Service
version1.0.0Request version, currently 1.1.0
requestGetFeaturesRequest name.
typeNameNSIDC:g02135_polyline_nLayer for which to request source data.
maxFeatures50Optional: Number of features to include in the output. Useful if you want to inspect the output first before requesting an entire file

Southern Hemisphere

Southern Hemisphere Sea Ice Concentrations (NSIDC-0051)

To use the Data Map Services API for the Southern Hemisphere Sea Ice Concentrations layer, paste one of the following example URLs from Table 20 into the URL field of a browser. The query string can contain all or any combination of the parameters listed in Tables 21 and 22.

This layer provides yesterday's daily passive microwave sea ice concentration raster data if the time parameter is left out of the URL call. However, by using the time parameter, you can pick a specific day of data. Refer to Table 21 for the correct values.
The styles parameter is also left blank in the example URL below. Refer to Table 21 for the correct values.


Table 20. Layer URLs for the Southern Hemisphere Sea Ice Concentrations (NSIDC-0051)

Layer FormatsURLs
Open Layershttps://nsidc.org/api/mapservices/NSIDC/wms?service=WMS&version=1.1.0&request=GetMap&layers=NSIDC:nsidc_0051_raster_s&


Table 21. Parameters for a GetMap Request for the Southern Hemisphere Sea Ice Concentrations (NSIDC-0051)

serviceWMSWeb Map Service
version1.1.0Request version, currently 1.1.0
requestGetMapRequest name.
layersNSIDC:nsidc_0051_raster_sMap layer.
stylesnsidc_0051_raster_sA simple style for the nsidc_0051 Combined Sea Ice Extent South Rasters.
{empty}Leave this parameter empty when you want to just see the data and use your own basemap. Land, ocean, coast, and pole hole are styled transparent which allows you to use your own basemap.
You should also set transparent to true when using an empty style because the default background is white.
bbox-3949233.62506143,-3949574.38763074,3950766.37493857,4350425.61236926Bounding box corners—lower left (min x, min y) and upper right (max x, max y).
width730Width of requested map in pixels.
height768Height of requested map in pixels.
srsEPSG:3031Spatial reference system. This must be specified as an EPSG code, which is a shorthand way of specifying a map projection and other coordinate parameters.
Output format of requested map. For a complete listing of all the formats, see the GeoServer WMS Output Formats Web page.

YYYY-MM-DD  - for daily data
YYYY-MM  - for monthly data


  • YYYY = 4-digit year
  • MM = 2-digit month
  • DD = 2-digit day
This layer provides yesterday's daily passive microwave sea ice concentration raster data if the time parameter is left out of the URL call. However, by using the time parameter, you can pick a specific day of data.


Table 22. Parameters for a GetCoverage Request for the Southern Hemisphere Sea Ice Concentrations (NSIDC-0051)

serviceWCSWeb Coverage Service
version1.1.1Request version.
requestDescribeCoverageRequest name.
identifiersNSIDC:nsidc_0051_raster_sMap layer.

Sea Ice Index Southern Hemisphere Daily Sea Ice Concentration (G02135)

To use the Data Map Services API for the Southern Hemisphere Daily Sea Ice Concentrations layer, paste one of the following example URLs from Table 23 into the URL field of a browser. The query string can contain all or any combination of the parameters listed in Tables 24 and 25.

This layer provides yesterday's Sea Ice Index daily passive microwave sea ice concentration raster data if the time parameter is left out of the URL call. However, by using the time parameter, you can pick a specific day of data. Refer to Table 24 for the correct values.
The styles parameter is also left blank in the example URL below. Refer to Table 24 for the correct values.


Table 23. Layer URLs for the Sea Ice Index Southern Hemisphere Daily Sea Ice Concentration (G02135)

Layer FormatsURLs
Open Layershttps://nsidc.org/api/mapservices/NSIDC/wms?service=WMS&version=1.1.0&request=GetMap&layers=NSIDC:g02135_concentration_raster_daily_s&


Table 24. Parameters for a GetMap Request for the Sea Ice Index Southern Hemisphere Daily Sea Ice Concentration (G02135)

serviceWMSWeb Map Service
version1.1.0Request version, currently 1.1.0
requestGetMapRequest name.
layersNSIDC:g02135_concentration_raster_daily_sMap layer.
stylesg02135_concentration_raster_basemapStyles the concentration data with the Sea Ice Index colors for land, ocean, coast line, and pole hole.
g02135_concentration_raster_with_missingUse this style to see concentration pixels that contain missing data. It shows the missing data as yellow areas.

Leave this parameter empty when you want to just see the data and use your own basemap. Land, ocean, coast, and pole hole are styled transparent which allows you to use your own basemap.

You should also set transparent to true when using an empty style because the default background is white.
bbox3950000.0,-3950000.0,3950000.0,4350000.0Bounding box corners—lower left (min x, min y) and upper right (max x, max y).
width730Width of requested map in pixels.
height768Height of requested map in pixels.
srsEPSG:3412Spatial reference system. This must be specified as an EPSG code, which is a shorthand way of specifying a map projection and other coordinate parameters.
Output format of requested map. For a complete listing of all the formats, see the GeoServer WMS Output Formats Web page.

YYYY-MM-DD  - for daily data
YYYY-MM  - for monthly data


  • YYYY = 4-digit year
  • MM = 2-digit month
  • DD = 2-digit day
This layer provides yesterday's Sea Ice Index daily passive microwave sea ice concentration raster data if the time parameter is left out of the URL call. However, by using the time parameter, you can pick a specific day of data.


Table 25. Parameters for a GetCoverage Request for the Sea Ice Index Southern Hemisphere Daily Sea Ice Concentration (G02135)

serviceWCSWeb Coverage Service
version1.1.1Request version.
requestDescribeCoverageRequest name.
identifiersNSIDC:g02135_concentration_raster_daily_sMap layer.

Sea Ice Index Southern Hemisphere Monthly Sea Ice Concentration (G02135)

To use the Data Map Services API for the Sea Ice Index Southern Hemisphere Monthly Sea Ice Concentration layer, paste one of the following example URLs from Table 26 into the URL field of a browser. The query string can contain all or any combination of the parameters listed in Tables 27 and 28.

This layer provides last month's daily passive microwave sea ice concentration raster data if the time parameter is left out of the URL call. However, by using the time parameter, you can pick a specific month of data. Refer to Table 27 for the correct values.
The styles parameter is also left blank in the example URL below. Refer to Table 27 for the correct values.


Table 26. Example Layer URLs for the Sea Ice Index Southern Hemisphere Monthly Sea Ice Concentration (G02135)

Layer FormatsURLs
Open Layershttps://nsidc.org/api/mapservices/NSIDC/wms?service=WMS&version=1.1.0&request=GetMap&layers=NSIDC:g02135_concentration_raster_monthly_s&


Table 27. Parameters for a GetMap Request for the Sea Ice Index Southern Hemisphere Monthly Sea Ice Concentration (G02135)

serviceWMSWeb Map Service
version1.1.0Request version, currently 1.1.0
requestGetMapRequest name.
layersNSIDC:g02135_concentration_raster_monthly_sMap layer.
stylesg02135_concenration_raster_basemapStyles the concentration data with the Sea Ice Index colors for land, ocean, coast line, and pole hole.
g02135_concenration_raster_with_missingUse this style to see concentration pixels that contain missing data. It shows the missing data as yellow areas.
{empty}Leave this parameter empty when you want to just see the data and use your own basemap. Land, ocean, coast, and pole hole are styled transparent which allows you to use your own basemap.
You should also set transparent to true when using an empty style because the default background is white.
bbox-3950000.0,-3950000.0,3950000.0,4350000.0Bounding box corners—lower left (min x, min y) and upper right (max x, max y).
width730Width of requested map in pixels.
height768Height of requested map in pixels.
srsEPSG:3412Spatial reference system. This must be specified as an EPSG code, which is a shorthand way of specifying a map projection and other coordinate parameters.
Output format of requested map. For a complete listing of all the formats, see the GeoServer WMS Output Formats Web page.

YYYY-MM-DD  - for daily data
YYYY-MM  - for monthly data


  • YYYY = 4-digit year
  • MM = 2-digit month
  • DD = 2-digit day
This layer provides last month's daily passive microwave sea ice concentration raster data if the time parameter is left out of the URL call. However, by using the time parameter, you can pick a specific month of data.


Table 28. Parameters for a GetCoverage Request for the Sea Ice Index Southern Hemisphere Monthly Sea Ice Concentration (G02135)

serviceWCSWeb Coverage Service
version1.1.1Request version.
requestDescribeCoverageRequest name.
identifiersNSIDC:g02135_concentration_raster_monthly_sMap layer.

Sea Ice Index Southern Hemisphere Daily Sea Ice Extent (G02135)

To use the Data Map Services API for the Sea Ice Index Southern Hemisphere Daily Sea Ice Extent layer, paste one of the following example URLs from Table 29 into the URL field of a browser. The query string can contain all or any combination of the parameters listed in Tables 30 and 31.

This layer provides yesterday's daily passive microwave sea ice extent raster data if the time parameter is left out of the URL call. However, by using the time parameter, you can pick a specific day of data. Refer to Table 30 for the correct values.
The styles parameter is also left blank in the example URL below. Refer to Table 30 for the correct values.


Table 29. Layer URLs for the Sea Ice Index Southern Hemisphere Daily Sea Ice Extent

Layer FormatsURLs
Open Layershttps://qa.nsidc.org/api/mapservices/NSIDC/wms?service=WMS&version=1.1.0&request=GetMap&layers=NSIDC:g02135_extent_raster_daily_s&


Table 30. Parameters for a GetMap Request for the Sea Ice Index Southern Hemisphere Daily Sea Ice Extent

serviceWMSWeb Map Service
version1.1.0Request version, currently 1.1.0
requestGetMapRequest name
layersNSIDC:g02135_extent_raster_daily_sMap layer


Styles the extent data with the Sea Ice Index colors for land, ocean, and coast line.



Use this style to see extent pixels that contain missing data. It shows the missing data as yellow areas.



Leave this parameter empty when you want to just see the data and use your own basemap. Land, ocean, coast, and pole hole are styled transparent which allows you to use your own basemap.
You should also set transparent to true when using an empty style because the default background is white.
bbox3950000.0,-3950000.0,3950000.0,4350000.0Bounding box corners—lower left (min x, min y) and upper right (max x, max y)
width730Width of requested map in pixels
height768Height of requested map in pixels
srsEPSG:3412Spatial reference system. This must be specified as an EPSG code, which is a shorthand way of specifying a map projection and other coordinate parameters.
Output format of requested map. For a complete listing of all the formats, see the GeoServer WMS Output Formats Web page.

YYYY-MM-DD  - for daily data
YYYY-MM  - for monthly data


  • YYYY = 4-digit year
  • MM = 2-digit month
  • DD = 2-digit day
This layer provides yesterday's daily passive microwave sea ice extent raster data if the time parameter is left out of the URL call. However, by using the time parameter, you can pick a specific day of data.


Table 31. Parameters for a GetCoverage Request for the Sea Ice Index Southern Hemisphere Daily Sea Ice Extent

serviceWCSWeb Coverage Service
version1.1.1Request version.
requestDescribeCoverageRequest name.
identifiersNSIDC:g02135_extent_raster_daily_sMap layer.

Sea Ice Index Southern Hemisphere Monthly Sea Ice Extent (G02135)

To use the Data Map Services API for the Sea Ice Index Southern Hemisphere Monthly Sea Ice Extent layer, paste one of the following example URLs from Table 32 into the URL field of a browser. The query string can contain all or any combination of the parameters listed in Tables 33 and 34.

This layer provides last month's daily passive microwave sea ice extent raster data if the time parameter is left out of the URL call. However, by using the time parameter, you can pick a specific month of data. Refer to Table 33 for the correct values.
The styles parameter is also left blank in the example URL below. Refer to Table 33 for the correct values.


Table 32. Layer URLs for the Sea Ice Index Southern Hemisphere Monthly Sea Ice Extent

Layer FormatsURLs
Open Layershttps://nsidc.org/api/mapservices/NSIDC/wms?service=WMS&version=1.1.0&request=GetMap&layers=NSIDC:g02135_extent_raster_monthly_s&


Table 33. Parameters for a GetMap Request for the Sea Ice Index Southern Hemisphere Monthly Sea Ice Extent

serviceWMSWeb Map Service
version1.1.0Request version, currently 1.1.0
requestGetMapRequest name.
layersNSIDC:g02135_extent_raster_monthly_sMap layer.


Styles the extent data with the Sea Ice Index colors for land, ocean, and coast line.



Use this style to see extent pixels that contain missing data. It shows the missing data as yellow areas.



Leave this parameter empty when you want to just see the data and use your own basemap. Land, ocean, coast, and pole hole are styled transparent which allows you to use your own basemap.
You should also set transparent to true when using an empty style because the default background is white.
bbox3950000.0,-3950000.0,3950000.0,4350000.0Bounding box corners—lower left (min x, min y) and upper right (max x, max y).
width730Width of requested map in pixels.
height768Height of requested map in pixels.
srsEPSG:3412Spatial reference system. This must be specified as an EPSG code, which is a shorthand way of specifying a map projection and other coordinate parameters.
Output format of requested map. For a complete listing of all the formats, see the GeoServer WMS Output Formats Web page.

YYYY-MM-DD  - for daily data
YYYY-MM  - for monthly data


  • YYYY = 4-digit year
  • MM = 2-digit month
  • DD = 2-digit day
This layer provides last month's daily passive microwave sea ice extent raster data if the time parameter is left out of the URL call. However, by using the time parameter, you can pick a specific month of data.


Table 34. Parameters for a GetCoverage Request for the Sea Ice Index Southern Hemisphere Monthly Sea Ice Extent

serviceWCSWeb Coverage Service
version1.1.1Request version.
requestDescribeCoverageRequest name.
identifiersNSIDC:g02135_extent_raster_monthly_sMap layer.

Sea Ice Index Southern Hemisphere Monthly Sea Ice Extent Polyline Edge (G02135)

To use the Data Map Services API for the Sea Ice Index Southern Hemisphere Monthly Sea Ice Extent Polyline Edge layer, paste one of the following example URLs from Table 35 into the URL field of a browser. The query string can contain all or any combination of the parameters listed in Tables 36 and 37.

This layer provides the monthly passive microwave ice edge position line as a vector for last month if the time parameter is left blank. However, by using the time parameter, you can pick a specific month of data. Refer to Table 39 for the correct values.
The styles parameter is also left blank in the example URL below. Refer to Table 39 for the correct values.


Table 35. Layer URLs for the Sea Ice Index Southern Hemisphere Monthly Sea Ice Extent Polyline Edge

Layer FormatsURLs
Open Layershttps://nsidc.org/api/mapservices/NSIDC/wms?service=WMS&version=1.1.0&request=GetMap&layers=NSIDC:g02135_polyline_s&


Table 36. Parameters for a GetMap Request for the Sea Ice Index Monthly Sea Ice Extent Polyline Edge

serviceWMSWeb Map Service
version1.1.0Request version, currently 1.1.0
requestGetMapRequest name.
layersNSIDC:g02135_polyline_sMap layer.


Styles the extent data with the Sea Ice Index colors for land, ocean, and coast line.



Use this style to see extent pixels that contain missing data. It shows the missing data as yellow areas.



Leave this parameter empty when you want to just see the data and use your own basemap. Land, ocean, coast, and pole hole are styled transparent which allows you to use your own basemap.
You should also set transparent to true when using an empty style because the default background is white.
bbox2800000.0,-3000000.0,3650000.0,4000000.0Bounding box corners—lower left (min x, min y) and upper right (max x, max y).
width707Width of requested map in pixels.
height768Height of requested map in pixels.
srsEPSG:3031Spatial reference system. This must be specified as an EPSG code, which is a shorthand way of specifying a map projection and other coordinate parameters.
Output format of requested map. For a complete listing of all the formats, see the GeoServer WMS Output Formats Web page.

YYYY-MM-DD  - for daily data
YYYY-MM  - for monthly data


  • YYYY = 4-digit year
  • MM = 2-digit month
  • DD = 2-digit day
This layer provides the monthly passive microwave ice edge position line as a vector for last month if the time parameter is left blank. However, by using the time parameter, you can pick a specific month of data.


Table 37. Parameters for a GetFeature Request for the Monthly Sea Ice Extent Polyline Edge

serviceWFSWeb Feature Service
version1.1.0Request version, currently 1.1.0
requestGetFeaturesRequest name.
typeNameNSIDC:g02135_polyline_sLayer for which to request source data.
maxFeatures50Optional: Number of features to include in the output. Useful if you want to inspect the output first before requesting an entire file


MEaSures Global Daily Freeze/Thaw Status (NSIDC-0477)

To use the Data Map Services API for the MEaSures Global Daily Freeze/Thaw Status layer, paste one of the following example URLs from Table 38 into the URL field of a browser. The query string can contain all or any combination of the parameters listed in Tables 39 and 40.

This layer provides global daily freeze/thaw raster data for yesterday if the time parameter is left out of the URL call. However, by using the time parameter, you can pick a specific day of data. Refer to Table 39 for the correct values.
The styles parameter is also left blank in the example URL below. Refer to Table 39 for the correct values.


Table 38. Layer URLs for the MEaSures Global Daily Freeze/Thaw Status

Layer FormatsURLs
Open Layershttps://nsidc.org/api/mapservices/NSIDC/wms?service=WMS&version=1.1.0&request=GetMap&layers=NSIDC:nsidc_0477_raster_g&


Table 39. Parameters for a GetMap Request for the MEaSures Global Daily Freeze/Thaw Status

serviceWMSWeb Map Service
version1.1.0Request version, currently 1.1.0
requestGetMapRequest name.
layersNSIDC:nsidc_0477_raster_gMap layer.
stylesNSIDC0477_RasterA simple style for the combined freeze-thaw rasters.
bbox179.999995782115,-86.6455078228849,179.73969210058,86.7167440800636Bounding box corners—lower left (min x, min y) and upper right (max x, max y).
width768Width of requested map in pixels.
height370Height of requested map in pixels.
srsEPSG:4326Spatial reference system. This must be specified as an EPSG code, which is a shorthand way of specifying a map projection and other coordinate parameters.
Output format of requested map. For a complete listing of all the formats, see the GeoServer WMS Output Formats Web page.

YYYY-MM-DD  - for daily data
YYYY-MM  - for monthly data


  • YYYY = 4-digit year
  • MM = 2-digit month
  • DD = 2-digit day
This layer provides global daily freeze/thaw raster data for yesterday if the time parameter is left out of the URL call. However, by using the time parameter, you can pick a specific day of data.


Table 40. Parameters for a GetCoverage Request for the MEaSures Global Daily Freeze/Thaw Status

serviceWCSWeb Coverage Service
version1.1.1Request version.
requestDescribeCoverageRequest name.
identifiersNSIDC:nsidc_0477_raster_gMap layer.

IceBridge Flight Lines

To use the Data Map Services API for the IceBridge Flight Lines layer, paste one of the following example URLs from Table 41 into the URL field of a browser. The query string can contain all or any combination of the parameters listed in Tables 42 and 43.

This layer provides IceBridge flight lines for the selected map region as vectors. IceBridge flights within the selected time span are show in map view. The flight lines are presented as a simple line drawn in the map projection. Refer to Table 42 for the correct time values.
The styles parameter is also left blank in the example URL below. Refer to Table 42 for the correct values.


Table 41. Layer URLs for the IceBridge Flight Lines

Layer FormatsURLs
Open Layershttps://nsidc.org/api/mapservices/NSIDC/wms?service=WMS&version=1.1.0&request=GetMap&layers=NSIDC:icebridge_flightlines&


Table 42. Parameters for a GetMap Request for the IceBridge Flight Lines

serviceWMSWeb Map Service
version1.1.0Request version, currently 1.1.0
requestGetMapRequest name.
layersNSIDC:icebridge_flightlinesMap layer.
stylesDefault LineA sample style that draws a line.
bbox-180.0,-90.0,180.0,90.0Bounding box corners—lower left (min x, min y) and upper right (max x, max y).
width768Width of requested map in pixels.
height384Height of requested map in pixels.
srsEPSG:4326Spatial reference system. This must be specified as an EPSG code, which is a shorthand way of specifying a map projection and other coordinate parameters.
Output format of requested map. For a complete listing of all the formats, see the GeoServer WMS Output Formats Web page.

YYYY-MM-DD  - for daily data
YYYY-MM  - for monthly data


  • YYYY = 4-digit year
  • MM = 2-digit month
  • DD = 2-digit day
This layer provides IceBridge flight lines for the selected map region as vectors. IceBridge flights within the selected time span are show in map view. The flight lines are presented as a simple line drawn in the map projection.

Table 43. Parameters for a GetFeature Request for the IceBridge Flight Lines

serviceWFSWeb Feature Service
version1.1.0Request version, currently 1.1.0
requestGetFeaturesRequest name.
typeNameNSIDC:icebridge_flightlinesLayer for which to request source data.
maxFeatures50Optional: Number of features to include in the output. Useful if you want to inspect the output first before requesting an entire file

Global Land Ice Velocity Extraction from Landsat 8 (NSIDC-0710)

To use the Data Map Services API for the Global Land Ice Velocity Extraction from Landsat 8 layer, paste one of the following example URLs from Table 44 into the URL field of a browser. The query string can contain all or any combination of the parameters listed in Tables 45, 46, and 47.

This layer provides raster data of ice speed for all ice areas greater than 5km2 within the selected map area and over the time range indicated. The data are presented as raster data of the scalar of velocity, colorized to indicate the ice flow speed. Refer to Table 45 for the correct time values.
The styles parameter is also left blank in the example URL below. Refer to Table 45 for the correct values.


Table 44. Layer URLs for the Global Land Ice Velocity Extraction from Landsat 8

Layer FormatsURLs
Open Layershttps://nsidc.org/api/mapservices/NSIDC/wms?service=WMS&version=1.1.0&request=GetMap&layers=NSIDC:golive_s&


Table 45. Parameters for a GetMap Request for the Global Land Ice Velocity Extraction from Landsat 8

serviceWMSWeb Map Service
version1.1.0Request version, currently 1.1.0
requestGetMapRequest name.
layersNSIDC:golive_sMap layer.
stylesDefault PolygonA sample style that draws a polygon.
bbox180.0,-82.696,180.0,82.696Bounding box corners—lower left (min x, min y) and upper right (max x, max y).
width768Width of requested map in pixels.
height352Height of requested map in pixels.
srsEPSG:4326Spatial reference system. This must be specified as an EPSG code, which is a shorthand way of specifying a map projection and other coordinate parameters.
Output format of requested map. For a complete listing of all the formats, see the GeoServer WMS Output Formats Web page.

YYYY-MM-DD  - for daily data
YYYY-MM  - for monthly data


  • YYYY = 4-digit year
  • MM = 2-digit month
  • DD = 2-digit day
This layer provides raster data of ice speed for all ice areas greater than 5km2 within the selected map area and over the time range indicated. The data are presented as raster data of the scalar of velocity, colorized to indicate the ice flow speed.


Table 46. Parameters for a GetFeature Request for the Global Land Ice Velocity Extraction from Landsat 8

serviceWFSWeb Feature Service
version1.1.0Request version, currently 1.1.0
requestGetFeaturesRequest name.
typeNameNSIDC:golive_sLayer for which to request source data.
maxFeatures50Optional: Number of features to include in the output. Useful if you want to inspect the output first before requesting an entire file


Table 47. Parameters for a GetCoverage Request for the Global Land Ice Velocity Extraction from Landsat 8

serviceWCSWeb Coverage Service
version1.1.1Request version.
requestDescribeCoverageRequest name.
identifiersNSIDC:golive_sMap layer.


Greenland Melt

To use the Data Map Services API for the Greenland Melt layer, paste one of the following example URLs from Table 48 into the URL field of a browser. The query string can contain all or any combination of the parameters listed in Tables 49 and 50.

This layer provides a passive-microwave-derived indication of of melt extend (for daily data) or a map of the number of days that melt was detected in a mapped grid cell (for monthly data). One-day extent data are presented as a binary mask (melt / no-melt) and the monthly melt days data are provided as an integer for each grid cell (0 to 31).
The styles parameter is also left blank in the example URL below. Refer to Table 49 for the correct values.


Table 48. Layer URLs for the Greenland Melt

Layer FormatsURLs
Open Layershttps://nsidc.org/api/mapservices/NSIDC/wms?service=WMS&version=1.1.0&request=GetMap&layers=NSIDC:greenland_melt&


Table 49. Parameters for a GetMap Request for the Greenland Melt

serviceWMSWeb Map Service
version1.1.0Request version, currently 1.1.0
requestGetMapRequest name.
layersNSIDC:greenland_meltMap layer.
bbox-9000000.0,-9000000.0,9000000.0,9000000.0Bounding box corners—lower left (min x, min y) and upper right (max x, max y).
width768Width of requested map in pixels.
height768Height of requested map in pixels.
srsEPSG:6931Spatial reference system. This must be specified as an EPSG code, which is a shorthand way of specifying a map projection and other coordinate parameters.
Output format of requested map. For a complete listing of all the formats, see the GeoServer WMS Output Formats Web page.

YYYY-MM-DD  - for daily data
YYYY-MM  - for monthly data


  • YYYY = 4-digit year
  • MM = 2-digit month
  • DD = 2-digit day
This layer provides a passive-microwave-derived indication of of melt extend (for daily data) or a map of the number of days that melt was detected in a mapped grid cell (for monthly data). One-day extent data are presented as a binary mask (melt / no-melt) and the monthly melt days data are provided as an integer for each grid cell (0 to 31).


Table 50. Parameters for a GetCoverage Request for the Greenland Melt

serviceWCSWeb Coverage Service
version1.1.1Request version.
requestDescribeCoverageRequest name.
identifiersNSIDC:greenland_meltMap layer.

MEaSUREs Greenland Ice Sheet Velocity Map from InSAR (NSIDC-0478)

To use the Data Map Services API for the Greenland Melt layer, paste one of the following example URLs from Table 51 into the URL field of a browser. The query string can contain all or any combination of the parameters listed in Tables 52 and 53.

This layer provides the observed mean ice flow speed for the time period selected. Monthly, seasonal, annual, or multi-annual mappings are available. These mappings generally represent a trade-off between temporal detail (for glaciers that vary in speed) and accuracy (more accurate speeds are produced for the longer time-intervals of the mapping). Daily data are not available. Refer to Table 52 for the correct time values.
The styles parameter is also left blank in the example URL below. Refer to Table 52 for the correct values.


Table 51. Layer MEaSUREs Greenland Ice Sheet Velocity Map from InSAR

Layer FormatsURLs
Open Layershttps://nsidc.org/api/mapservices/NSIDC/wms?service=WMS&version=1.1.0&request=GetMap&layers=NSIDC:nsidc_0478_v2_measures_greenland_ice_sheet_vel&


Table 52. Parameters for a GetMap Request for the MEaSUREs Greenland Ice Sheet Velocity Map from InSAR

serviceWMSWeb Map Service
version1.1.0Request version, currently 1.1.0
requestGetMapRequest name.
layersNSIDC:nsidc_0478_v2_measures_greenland_ice_sheet_velMap layer.
bbox-659100.0,-3379100.0,857900.0,-639100.0Bounding box corners—lower left (min x, min y) and upper right (max x, max y).
width425Width of requested map in pixels.
height768Height of requested map in pixels.
srsEPSG:3413Spatial reference system. This must be specified as an EPSG code, which is a shorthand way of specifying a map projection and other coordinate parameters.
Output format of requested map. For a complete listing of all the formats, see the GeoServer WMS Output Formats Web page.

YYYY-MM-DD  - for daily data
YYYY-MM  - for monthly data


  • YYYY = 4-digit year
  • MM = 2-digit month
  • DD = 2-digit day
This layer provides the observed mean ice flow speed for the time period selected. Monthly, seasonal, annual, or multi-annual mappings are available. These mappings generally represent a trade-off between temporal detail (for glaciers that vary in speed) and accuracy (more accurate speeds are produced for the longer time-intervals of the mapping). Daily data are not available.


Table 53. Parameters for a GetCoverage Request for the MEaSUREs Greeland Ice Sheet Velocity Map from InSAR

serviceWCSWeb Coverage Service
version1.1.1Request version.
requestDescribeCoverageRequest name.
identifiersNSIDC:nsidc_0478_v2_measures_greenland_ice_sheet_velMap layer.