Data Announcement
  • Ice shelves

User Notice: Retiring MEaSUREs Greenland Quarterly/Monthly Ice Sheet Velocity Mosaics from SAR and Landsat, Version 4

The MEaSUREs Greenland Quarterly Ice Sheet Velocity Mosaics from SAR and Landsat, Version 4 and MEaSUREs Greenland Monthly Ice Sheet Velocity Mosaics from SAR and Landsat, Version 4 data sets will be retired from the NASA National Snow and Ice Data Center Distributed Active Archive Center (NSIDC DAAC) on April 24, 2023. After that date, access to the quarterly and monthly data sets will no longer be available, but their documentation will remain available for future reference. We recommend using the latest versions of the data sets ( and as an alternative.

MEaSUREs Greenland Quarterly Ice Sheet Velocity Mosaics from SAR and Landsat, Version 4
Data set DOI:

MEaSUREs Greenland Monthly Ice Sheet Velocity Mosaics from SAR and Landsat, Version 4
Data set DOI: