• NSIDC's website will undergo planned maintenance on Wednesday, January 15, from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. (U.S. Mountain Time). During this time, the NSIDC.org website and most NSIDC data access may be briefly unavailable.

Data Announcement

User Notice: MODIS Light Out Operations

On 7 July 2023 the FOT (Flight Operation Team) transitioned fully to LOOps (Light-Out-Operations) following successful testing and Ops Readiness Review. Estimated data acquisitions are expected to remain above the mission data capture guideline of 95%. Beginning 7 July 2023 onward, all Terra, Aqua, and combined Terra+Aqua MODIS Version 6.1 data products will be directly impacted by these occurrences of non-recoverable data loss. A list of dates and time for known LOOps occurrences is available from the NASA Land Data Operational Products Evaluation (LDOPE) team for both Terra and Aqua.

The NSIDC DAAC will continue to post updates on our website.