Data Announcement

Updates and New Addition to the Global Lake and River Ice Phenology Database

The Global Lake and River Ice Phenology Database has had several updates and one new lake added to its inventory at the beginning of this year. First, data for the years 2006 to 2012 for the lakes in the North Temperate Region have been added. Second, an inconsistency was noticed in the data for the St. Regis Lower lake (lake code KMS16), so an additional record was added for this lake with a correction to the data (lake code CS1). Since the data for both of these records come from reputable sources, the inconsistent data was not removed because it is unknown which record is the most accurate. Finally, a new lake, Fisher Lake (lake code HMFL), was added to the database with data spanning 1889 through 2012. This data can be accessed from the Global Lake and River Ice Phenology Database search interface.