Data Announcement

Staffing Changes at the Roger G. Barry Archives and Resource Center

The ARC at NSIDC is losing its archivist. Allaina Wallace’s tenure at NSIDC started with the task of making safe a disordered collection that included treasures such as glass plate negatives from early expeditions to Glacier Bay in Alaska. Over nine years, she worked tirelessly with her fellow librarian Gloria Hicks to promote the collection through activities such as hosting, in 2012, the Polar Libraries Colloquy here in Boulder, and bringing a showing of Good Days on the Trail to the Boulder International Film Series. Through the NOAA@NSIDC Climate Database Modernization Program, she had several analog collections scanned; most notably, thousands of historical prints for the Glacier Photograph Collection and sea ice charts that predate the satellite record. The ice charts are now used in the new Digital Sea Ice Atlas for Alaska Waters. She catalogued much of the analog collection and obtained a NOAA@NSIDC Preserve America Initiative Grant with which she made the early history of the WDC for Glaciology and NSIDC accessible to the public. Links to these resources can be found at the Roger G. Barry Archives and Resource Center site. Allaina leaves behind a legacy of preservation and data stewardship that will continue to benefit researchers long into the future. We wish her well in her new position as Head Librarian, Denver Botanical Gardens.