Data Announcement

Search and discover NSIDC data sets with our new search tool

How do I differentiate between sea ice data sets? Which ones have file formats that are easy for me to use? How many ice velocity data sets are offered at NSIDC? What are my options for downloading the data? NSIDC has been busily working to develop a Web tool to answer these questions and more. The new Scientific Data Search aims to help you discover the data sets most useful to you. This new tool replaces the previous NSIDC data set search tool. It is recommended for those who would like to explore the breadth of NSIDC's data holdings.

Using the search tool's interface, you can find which data sets contain a particular data parameter, such as snow cover, or which data sets were submitted by a specific Principal Investigator. Map and calendar controls also allow you to see which data sets intersect with your custom spatial area or temporal range. The listing of results is designed to allow for quick scanning. Attributes are clearly displayed to facilitate selection.

You can access the data set landing pages for your your results by clicking on the title of the data set you're interested in. Data set landing pages include data access options, citation information, documentation, and any related help resources. Future enhancements to the search tool will allow for results to be narrowed by custom inputs and will allow for better comparison between similar data sets.