Data Announcement

Reprocessing Complete for SMAP Data

The SMAP Science Data System (SDS) has completed reprocessing of the NASA SMAP Level-1B, -1C, -2, and -3 data products to Validated Version 3. Additionally, SMAP Level-4 products have been reprocessed to Validated Version 2. During reprocessing, Level-1B, -1C, -2 and -3 data spanning the time period 19 November 2015 to 02 February 2016 were regenerated and replaced due to an issue with a spacecraft ancillary input file. The affected files end with R13080_001.h5. Users who currently have files within this date range may want to download the replacements, as portions of the right edge of the swath near 270° antenna azimuth were erroneously set to fill values. To access data, documentation, and tools, visit the SMAP website at the NASA National Snow and Ice Data Center Distributed Active Archive Center (NSIDC): Note that SMAP Level-1 radar data and documentation are accessible through the NASA Alaska Satellite Facility Distributed Active Archive Center (ASF DAAC):