Data Announcement

NSIDC Analog Archive Center Gets a New Name

The Roger G. Barry Archives and Resource Center (ARC), formerly ROCS, at NSIDC maintains a unique and rare collection, documenting early polar exploration and the first scientific expeditions to the far reaches of our planet. These collections provide researchers priceless historical insight into how the Earth's polar and icy regions have changed. As a soft money funded organization with no endowment, our facility is under threat. Traditional funding sources no longer support the collection. The name was changed in an effort to make the title more synonymous with ARC's vision in the hopes that this will boost support. To that end, ARC is currently undergoing a fund-raising campaign to raise money to help keep the center alive. Maintaining an archive requires money for infrastructure and trained people, who must document and manage material carefully to secure its accessibility a century from now. Your donation will help create an endowment to sustain these resources for research into the future. Please support us today.