Data Announcement
  • Ice shelves

New version available: MEaSUREs Greenland Image Mosaics from Sentinel-1A and -1B, Version 3

The MEaSUREs Greenland Image Mosaics from Sentinel-1A and -1B, Version 3 data set, accessible from the NASA National Snow and Ice Data Center Distributed Active Archive Center (NSIDC DAAC) has been updated to a new version and new data access options are also available. The data have been reprocessed using upgraded software and a revised DEM. There are two new parameters, a calibrated sigma0 radar backscatter product and a calibrated and radiometrically terrain-corrected gamma0 radar backscatter product. Both of these products have a spatial resolution of 50 m, while the uncalibrated product, image, has an improved spatial resolution of 25 m. All the products have been simplified, with the mosaics merged into single cloud-optimized geoTIFFs. The data access location for this data set has also changed. Users accessing this data set through a script will need to update accordingly. The new data access URL is This data set is part of the NASA Making Earth System Data Records for Use in Research Environments (MEaSUREs) program. It consists of 6-day and 12-day 50 m resolution image mosaics of the Greenland coastline and ice sheet periphery. The mosaics are derived from C-band Synthetic Aperture Radar (C-SAR) acquired by the Copernicus Sentinel-1A and -1B imaging satellites starting in January 2015 and now extending through 22 February 2020. Data set DOI: