Data Announcement
  • Snow

New data set release: Land Cover Classification, Snow Cover, and Fractional Snow-Covered Area Maps from Maxar WorldView Satellite Images, Version 1

The Land Cover Classification, Snow Cover, and Fractional Snow-Covered Area Maps from Maxar WorldView Satellite Images, Version 1 data set is now available at the NASA National Snow and Ice Data Center Distributed Active Archive Center (NSIDC DAAC). This data set includes fine-scale snow and land cover maps from two mountainous study sites in the Western U.S, binary snow maps derived from the land cover maps, and 30m and 465m fractional snow-covered area (fSCA) maps.  Also included are Landsat and MODSCAG fSCA map products. The source imagery for these data are the Maxar WorldView-2 and Maxar WorldView-3 Level-1B 8-band multispectral images, orthorectified and converted to top-of-atmosphere reflectance. Temporal coverage spans from 20 May 2015 to 5 May 2019.

Data set DOI: