Data Announcement

New data set release: Inventory of Arctic Rain on Snow Events: Meteorological and Surface Conditions, Version 1

NSIDC is pleased to announce the release of a new data set, Inventory of Arctic Rain on Snow Events: Meteorological and Surface Conditions, Version 1.

This data set is a product of the NSF-funded Arctic Rain on Snow Study, a five-year project evaluating historical rain on snow frequency and intensity, extreme precipitation events, and their impacts on human-environment systems, with a focus on hunting and in particular, reindeer herding livelihoods, spanning the period 1979 to the present, and looking at projected changes through the 21st century.

This data set contains surface and upper air data from global atmospheric reanalysis, and passive microwave brightness temperatures for rain on snow events in the Arctic region between 1979 and the present. Data are subsetted temporally to the time period of each event and spatially to the region experiencing the event. The time ranges and spatial extents of these subsets have been chosen to show the development of each event at the synoptic scale.

Data set DOI: