Data Announcement
  • Soil moisture

NASA SMAP Level-4 Version Updates

The SMAP Science Data System (SDS) has released updated NASA SMAP data products at the NASA National Snow and Ice Data Center Distributed Active Archive Center (NSIDC DAAC). The following NASA SMAP Level 4 data sets have been updated:

Primary changes include:

  • SPL4SMAU, SPL4SMGP, & SPL4SMLM: Land surface modeling system improvements. In addition, data is more CF compliant with the addition of x and y coordinate variables as well as an EASE Grid 2.0 projection mapping variable, which improves interoperability with ArcGIS, QGIS, OPeNDAP, and programmatic access.
  • SPL4CMDL: Improvements in model inputs and ancillary files resulting in better RMSE, especially for drier sites.