Data Announcement
  • Glaciers

Level of service update: Multilayer Greenland Ice Surface Temperature, Surface Albedo, and Water Vapor from MODIS

The Multilayer Greenland Ice Surface Temperature, Surface Albedo, and Water Vapor from MODIS, Version 1 data set has been updated to a standard level of service at the NASA National Snow and Ice Data Center Distributed Active Archive Center (NSIDC DAAC). More extensive documentation and support options are now available for this data set. Please see our Adding clarity to NSIDC data support with new Level of Service (LoS) model article more information.

This multilayer MODIS data set includes ice surface temperature (IST), derived melt map, albedo, and water vapor for Greenland. These data are provided at a spatial resolution of 0.78 km extending from March 2000 to December 2017.