A data set comprised of historical Greenland snow accumulation data from 1911 to 1981 has been released in digital format. This data was acquired and compiled by geologist Dr. Carl S. Benson, currently professor emeritus at University of Alaska, Fairbanks. This data set contains Dr. Benson's scientific field study notebooks describing his traverses of Greenland from 1952 to 1955. The notebooks contain data on Greenland snow accumulation, snow temperature, stratigraphy, ice sheet facies, and snow densification. Dr. Benson's notebooks also include a supplementary 1956 snow accumulation study done by the U.S. Air Force. The notebooks have been scanned and put into PDF format with the exception of the 1955 notebooks which are still being digitized. In addition, a compendium of Greenland snow accumulation data, compiled by Dr. Benson in 1986, is included that spans 1911 to 1981. It is in ASCII text format. For more information about this data set and to obtain the data, see the Greenland Snow Pit and Core Stratigraphy (Analog and Digital Formats) data set landing page.
Data Announcement
Historical Greenland Snow Accumulation Data Set Now Available in Digital Format