Data Announcement
  • Soil moisture

High-resolution SMAP/Sentinel-1 Soil Moisture Data Available

The beta version of the SMAP/Sentinel-1 L2 Radiometer/Radar 30-Second Scene 3 km EASE-Grid Soil Moisture data set is now available at the NASA National Snow and Ice Data Center Distributed Active Archive Center (NSIDC DAAC). L-band radiometer measurements from the SMAP satellite and C-band radar measurements from the European Space Agency (ESA) Copernicus Sentinel-1 satellite are combined to produce high-resolution soil moisture estimates for this product. The SMAP Science Data System (SDS) began forward processing for the data on 27 October 2017. Data reprocessing from 01 April 2015 to 27 October 2017 will start in mid-November 2017. The data will be made available as they are processed, and registered users will be notified when reprocessing is complete. These beta-quality data use preliminary algorithms that are still being validated and are therefore subject to uncertainties. The calibrated/validated release of this data set is expected to occur in Spring 2018. Data set DOI: To access all SMAP data and documentation, visit the SMAP Data Web site.