Data Announcement
  • Glaciers
  • Snow

High Mountain Asia ASCAT Freeze/Thaw/Melt data now available

The High Mountain Asia ASCAT Freeze/Thaw/Melt Status data is now available at the NASA National Snow and Ice Data Center Distributed Active Archive Center (NSIDC DAAC). This Level-3 data set provides freeze/thaw/melt status over seasonally frozen land and snowmelt status over glaciated areas for high mountain Asia glacier and snow regions. Daily F/T/M status is derived from vertically polarized (V-pol), C-band (5.255 GHz) Advanced Scatterometer (ASCAT Metop-A and Metop-B) backscatter measurements. This data set is being made available with minimal documentation as part of an early release. NSIDC will provide an increased level of support and more detailed documentation in the future.

Data set DOI: