Greenland Climate Network (GC-Net) Automatic Weather Station Data, Version 1
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The Greenland Climate Network (GC-NET), established in spring 1994, currently consists of 18 stations with a distributed coverage over the Greenland ice sheet. The GC-Net emphasis is to monitor climatological and glaciological parameters at various locations on the ice sheet over a 10 year time period. The GC-Net Automatic Weather Stations (AWS) are equipped with instruments to measure surface energy and mass balance. Currently, the GC-NET archive contains 50 plus station years of measurements. These data have been quality controlled and calibrated. The objectives of the GC-Net AWS network are: (1) Assess daily, annual and interannual variability in accumulation rate, surface climatology and surface energy balance at selected locations on the ice sheet where high sensitivity of the ice sheet mass balance to climate anomalies is predicted from modeling results; (2) Assess accurate surface elevation, location, near-surface density at the AWS location with the option to revisit the locations in order to get temporal information for dynamic ice sheet modeling. The statistics are based on 12 critical parameters such as: incoming shortwave radiation, reflected shortwave radiation, net radiation, temperature-humidity-wind profile at two levels, wind direction, pressure and surface height. The possible data point count for all AWS and channels is 5.04574 106, whereas 4.72291 106 data were retrieved, resulting in an overall success rate of 93.6 percent. Recent six days of hourly surface meteorological ASCII data and plots are updated hourly on the WWW at: The GC-Net sites that are using GOES and ARGOS satellite data links are operationally updating automatically as of September 16 19
Data Format(s):
Not Specified
Temporal Coverage:
Not Specified
Temporal Resolution:
Not Specified
Spatial Resolution:
  • Not Specified
Spatial Coverage:Not Specified
Blue outlined yellow areas on the map below indicate the spatial coverage for this data set.
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