Data Access Tool

Use the selectors below to search and filter by time range and/or geographic area

Selected Data Set Information

Note: To select a different data set, close this window (or tab) and navigate to the data set landing page you want.

Data Set ID:
Data Set Summary:
Each Level-1A (L1A) granule incorporates all radiometer data downlinked from the Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) spacecraft for one specific half orbit. The data are scaled instrument counts consisting of the first four raw moments of the fullband channel (vertical and horizontal polarizations); the complex cross-correlations of the fullband channel; and the 16 subband channels (vertical and horizontal polarizations).

Filter by date:

Filter spatially by bounding box:


Filter spatially by drawing a bounding box or polygon:

Note: Blue-green overlay shows the dataset coverage, unless it is global.
Data provided by:
    CesiumNSIDC Data Access UI v2.0.0
    files selected (~0 MB)
    '*' match multiple characters; '?' match one character; ',' combine queries; Example: *2019??01*,*2020??01*
    File Name
    Size (MB)
    Start Time
    End Time
    files selected (~0 MB)
    Download Python script (requires Python 2 or 3).
    Once processed, your Orders page will display one or more zip files and a list of file URLs.
    You must be logged in to place an order.
    Orders >2000 files will be fulfilled via Earthdata Search. Also use this option to apply customizations (e.g. subset, reformat). Your current order will be transferred intact for completion.