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Data Set Summary:
The Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP, launched in 2015) and the Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity (SMOS, launched in 2009) missions are each L-band satellites that provide brightness temperature and soil moisture estimates and vegetation optical depth approximately every 2-3 days with a spatial resolution of ~40 km. By integrating brightness temperature observations from both satellites, these data products reduce the revisit time to about one day, improving the ability to monitor fast-response processes such as groundwater drainage and recharge, early dry-down after storms, and pre-storm soil moisture conditions for runoff determination.
The Integrated SMAP and SMOS Soil Moisture Data is available in two products:
The Integrated SMAP and SMOS Soil Moisture Data is available in two products:
- SMOS-Based SMAP L2 Radiometer Half-Orbit 9 km EASE-Grid Soil Moisture (NSIDC-0799): This product is generated by processing half-orbit granules (either 6 AM ascending or 6 PM descending) from the pre-processed SMOS product. The L2 product consists solely of SMOS-based data, incorporating information after SMOS brightness temperatures (TBs) at a 40° incidence angle were inter-calibrated and the soil moisture (SM) and vegetation optical depth (VOD) were retrieved using the SMAP Dual Channel Algorithm (DCA).
- SMAP/SMOS L3 Radiometer 9 km EASE-Grid Soil Moisture (NSIDC-0800): To generate this product, processing software ingests one day’s worth of granules from both the SMAP SPL2SMP_E product and the SMOS-derived L2 data. The L3 product contains both SMAP and SMOS descending (6:00 AM/PM) and ascending (6:00 PM/AM) data stored in separate arrays.