• Some orders submitted through the Data Access Tool are currently not completing. NASA Earthdata Search can be used as an alternative while NSIDC DAAC works to correct the issue. 

Data Access Tool

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Selected Data Set Information

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Data Set ID:
Data Set Summary:
This data set contains twice-daily, enhanced-resolution brightness temperature data derived from the SMAP radiometer. Data are available on the Northern Hemisphere, Southern Hemisphere, Temperate, and Mid-Latitude (sub-set of Global) EASE-Grid 2.0 projections and on the 3 km, 3.125 km, 9 km, 25 km, and 36 km resolution grids. This data set applies the same SIR technique used to derive brightness temperatures from the SMMR, AMSR-E, and SSM/I-SSMIS sensors and is a companion product for the MEaSUREs Calibrated Enhanced-Resolution Passive Microwave Daily EASE-Grid 2.0 Brightness Temperature ESDR data set (DOI: 10.5067/MEASURES/CRYOSPHERE/NSIDC-0630.001).