• Some orders submitted through the Data Access Tool are currently not completing. NASA Earthdata Search can be used as an alternative while NSIDC DAAC works to correct the issue. 

Data Access Tool

Use the selectors below to search and filter by time range and/or geographic area

Selected Data Set Information

Note: To select a different data set, close this window (or tab) and navigate to the data set landing page you want.

Data Set ID:
Data Set Summary:
GLAH06 Level-1B Global Elevation is a product that is analogous to the geodetic data records distributed for radar altimetry missions. It contains elevations previously corrected for tides, atmospheric delays, and surface characteristics within the footprint. Elevation is calculated using the ice sheet parameterization. Additional information allows the user to calculate an elevation based on land, sea ice, or ocean algorithms. Each data granule has an associated browse product.