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Selected Data Set Information

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Data Set ID:
Data Set Summary:
The AMSR-E/AMSR2 Unified Level-3 12.5 km product provides brightness temperatures, sea ice concentration, and snow depth over sea ice for the Northern and Southern Hemisphere, as well as sea ice motion for the Arctic. This data set includes daily brightness temperature fields for channels ranging from 18.7 GHz through 89.0 GHz, daily sea ice concentration fields, and daily sea ice concentration difference fields for ascending orbits, descending orbits, and full orbit daily averages. Snow depth over sea ice is provided as a five-day running average for the Arctic and Antarctic. Sea Ice motion is provided daily for tracking ice movement over consecutive days in the Arctic.Note: This product uses the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) AMSR2 Level-1R input brightness temperatures that are calibrated, or unified, across the JAXA AMSR-E and JAXA AMSR2 Level-1R products.