The Application for Extracting and Exploring Analysis Ready Samples (AppEEARS) now includes Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) data products distributed by the National Snow and Ice Data Center Distributed Active Archive Center (NSIDC DAAC). AppEEARS offers a simple and efficient way to subset SMAP data sets using spatial, temporal, and layer parameters for both point and area samples. In addition, a step-by-step tutorial for accessing SMAP data in AppEEARS is available for the following five products:
- Enhanced L3 Radiometer Global Daily 9 km EASE-Grid Soil Moisture (SPL3SMP_E), Version 1 DOI:
- L3 Radiometer Global Daily 36 km EASE-Grid Soil Moisture (SPL3SMP), Version 4 DOI:
- L3 Radiometer Northern Hemisphere Daily 36 km EASE-Grid Freeze/Thaw State (SPL3FTP), Version 1 DOI:
- L4 Global Daily 9 km Carbon Net Ecosystem Exchange (SPL4CMDL), Version 3 DOI:
- L4 Global 9 km Surface and Root Zone Soil Moisture Geophysical Data (SPL4SMGP), Version 3 DOI: