SMAP L1A Radiometer Time-Ordered Parsed Telemetry, Version 2
Data set id:
DOI: 10.5067/JGV8EY3FGAH1
This is the most recent version of these data.
Version Summary
Changes to this version include:

  • Transitioned to Validated-Stage 2

  • Calibration parameters were adjusted to reduce calibration jumps and drift previously present in the Beta-release; as a result, calibration now meets its less than 0.4 K/month stability back to 31 March 2015

  • Additional bit-error checking was performed on Level-0 instrument telemetry

For the full major and minor version history, go to


Each Level-1A (L1A) granule incorporates all radiometer data downlinked from the Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) spacecraft for one specific half orbit. The data are scaled instrument counts consisting of the first four raw moments of the fullband channel (vertical and horizontal polarizations); the complex cross-correlations of the fullband channel; and the 16 subband channels (vertical and horizontal polarizations).
Data Format(s):
Temporal Coverage:
31 March 2015 to present
Temporal Resolution:
  • 49 minute
Spatial Resolution:
  • 40 km
  • 40 km
Spatial Coverage:
Blue outlined yellow areas on the map below indicate the spatial coverage for this data set.

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General Questions & FAQs

SMAP Ancillary data sets are used to produce SMAP Level-1, -2, -3, and -4 standard data products.
The following table describes both the required and actual latencies for the different SMAP radiometer data sets. Latency is defined as the time (# days, hh:mm:ss) from data acquisition to product generation.

How to Articles

Many NSIDC DAAC data sets can be accessed using the NSIDC DAAC's Data Access Tool. This tool provides the ability to search and filter data with spatial and temporal constraints using a map-based interface.Users have the option to
To convert HDF5 files into binary format you will need to use the h5dump utility, which is part of the HDF5 distribution available from the HDF Group. How you install HDF5 depends on your operating system.
The NASA Earthdata Cloud is the NASA cloud-based archive of Earth observations. It is hosted by Amazon Web Services (AWS). Learn how to find and access NSIDC DAAC data directly in the cloud.
All data from the NASA National Snow and Ice Data Center Distributed Active Archive Center (NSIDC DAAC) is directly accessible through our HTTPS file system using Wget or curl. This article provides basic command line instructions for accessing data using this method.