International Ice Charting Working Group
View an Index of Presentations Given at IICWG Meetings (Feb 2025)
Next Meeting
The 26th meeting of the IICWG will be held in Tromsø, Norway hosted by the Met Norway Ice Service from September 22-26, 2025.
Most Recent Meeting
IICWG-XXV, September 2024
The 25th meeting of the IICWG was held in Monterey, CA, USA hosted by the Naval Postgraduate School from September 9-13, 2024.
- IICWG-XXV Executive Summary
- IICWG-XXV Full Meeting Report - Link to a folder with the full meeting report in PDF files
- IICWG-XXV Presentations - Link to a folder with PDF versions of all presentation
- IICWG-XXV Posters - Link to a folder containing PDF versions of all posters
- IICWG-XXV Session Recordings - Link to a folder containing video recordings
Previous Meetings
IICWG-XXIV, September 2023
The 24th meeting of the IICWG was held in Cambridge, United Kingdom hosted by the British Antarctic Survey from September 25-29, 2023.
- IICWG-XXIV Executive Summary
- IICWG-XXIV Full Meeting Report - Link to a folder with the full meeting report in PDF files
- IICWG-XXIV Presentations - Link to a folder with PDF versions of all presentation
- IICWG-XXIV Posters - Link to a folder containing PDF versions of all posters
- IICWG-XXIV Session Recordings - Link to a folder containing video recordings
IICWG-XXIII, September 2022
The 23rd meeting of the IICWG was held in Buenos Aires at the invitation of the Argentine Naval Hydrographic Service from September 26-30, 2022.
- IICWG-XXIII Executive Summary
- IICWG-XXIII Full Meeting Report - Link to a folder with the full meeting report in PDF files
- IICWG-XXIII Presentations - Link to a folder with PDF versions of all presentation
- IICWG-XXIII Posters - Link to a folder containing PDF versions of all posters
- IICWG-XXIII Session Recordings - Link to a folder containing video recordings
IICWG-XXII, September 2021
The 22nd meeting of the IICWG was held by videoconference on September 19-24, 2021
- IICWG-XXII Executive Summary
- IICWG-XXII Full Meeting Report - Link to a folder with the full meeting report in PDF files
*Note: For the links within the meeting report to work, you must download all meeting report files to the same directory on your computer - IICWG-XXII Pesentations - Link to a folder with PDF versions of all presentations
- IICWG-XXII Session Recordings - Link to a folder containing video recordings
IICWG-XXI, September 2020
The 21st meeting of the IICWG was held by videoconference on September 21-25, 2020.
- IICWG-XXI Executive Summary
- IICWG-XXI Full Meeting Report - Link to a folder with the full meeting report in PDF files
- IICWG-XXI Presentations - Link to a folder containing PDF versions of all presentations
- IICWG-XXI Session Recordings - Link to a folder containing video recordings from meeting
IICWG-XX, September 2019
The 20th Meeting of the IICWG was held in Copenhagen, Denmark on September 23-27, 2019.
- IICWG-XX Meeting Executive Summary
- IICWG-XX Full Meeting Report - Link to a folder with the full meeting report in PDF files
- IICWG-XX Presentations - Link to a folder containing PDF versions of all presentations
- IICWG-XX Posters - Link to a folder containing PDF versions of all posters
- IICWG-XX Photos - Link to a folder containing photos from meeting
- IICWG-XX Session Recordings - Link to a folder containing video recordings from meeting
IICWG-XIX, September 2018
The 19th meeting of the IICWG was held in Helsinki, Finland September 24-28, 2018.
- IICWG-XIX Meeting Executive Summary
- IICWG-XIX Meeting Report - Link to a folder with the full meeting report in PDF files
- IICWG-XIX Presentations - Link to a folder containing PDF versions of all presentations
- IICWG-XIX Posters - Link to a folder containing PDF versions of all posters
- IICWG-XIX Photos - Link to a folder containing photos from meeting
- IICWG-XIX WebEx Video Recordings - Link to a folder containing WebEx video recordings from meeting, including the installation file for the WebEx video player
IICWG-XVIII, September 2017
The 18th IICWG Meeting was held in Hobart, Tasmania, Australia on September 25-29, 2017.
- IICWG-XVIII Executive Summary
- IICWG-XVIII Meeting Report - Link to a folder with the full meeting report in PDF files
- IICWG-XVIII Presentations - Link to a folder containing PDF versions of all presentations
- IICWG-XVIII Posters - Link to a folder containing PDF versions of all posters
- IICWG-XVIII Photos - Link to a folder containing photos from meeting
IICWG-XVII, October 2016
The 17th IICWG Meeting was held in Ottawa, Canada on October 24-28, 2016. Below are links to the reports from the meeting.
- IICWG-XVII Executive Summary
- IICWG-XVII Meeting Report - Link to a folder with the full meeting report in PDF files
- IICWG-XVII Presentations - Link to a folder containing PDF versions of all presentation
- IICWG-XVII Posters - Link to a folder containing PDF versions of all posters
IICWG-XVI, October 2015
The 16th IICWG Meeting was held in Rostock, Germany on October 19-24, 2015. Below are links to the reports from the meeting.
- IICWG-XVI Executive Summary
- IICWG-XVI Meeting Report - Link to a folder with the full meeting report in PDF files
- IICWG-XVI Presentations - Link to a folder containing PDF versions of all presentations
IICWG-XV, Ocrtober 2014
The 15th Meeting of the IICWG was held October 20-25, 2014 in Punta Arenas, Chile at the invitation of the Chilean Navy Meteorological Service. Below are links to the report from the meeting.
- IICWG-XV Meeting Executive Summary
- IICWG-XV Meeting Report - Link to a folder with the full meeting report in PDF files
- 15th Meeting Presentations - Link to a folder containing PDF versions of all presentations
IICWG-XIV, October 2013
The 14th meeting of the International Ice Charting Working Group was held in Reykjavik, Iceland on 21-25 October 2013. The University of Iceland and the Icelandic Meteorological Office hosted the meeting. Below are links to the report from the meeting.
- IICWG-XIV Meeting Executive Summary
- IICWG-XIV Meeting Report - Link to a folder with the full meeting report in PDF files
- IICWG-XIV Presentations - Link to a folder containing PDF versions of all presentations
- IICWG-XIV Photos - Link to a folder containing a selection of photos from meeting
IICWG-XIII, October 2012
The 13th meeting of the International Ice Charting Working Group was held in Tromsø, Norway on 15-19 October 2012. The Norwegian Meteorological Institute hosted the meeting. Below are links to the report from the meeting.
- IICWG-XIII Meeting Executive Summary
- IICWG-XIII Meeting Report - Link to a folder with the full meeting report in PDF files
- IICWG-XIII Documents - Link to a folder containing PDF files of reports and papers from meeting
- IICWG-XIII Presentations - Link to a folder containing PDF versions of all presentations
- IICWG-XIII Photos - Link to a folder containing a selection of photos from meeting
IICWG-XII, October 2011
The 12th meeting of the International Ice Charting Working Group was held in Cambridge, U.K. on 17-21 October 2011. The British Antarctic Survey hosted the meeting. Below are links to the report from the meeting.
- IICWG-XII Meeting Executive Summary
- IICWG-XII Meeting Report - Link to a folder with the full meeting report in PDF files
- IICWG-XII Documents - Link to a folder containing PDF files of reports and papers from meeting
- IICWG-XII Presentations - Link to a folder containing PDF versions of all presentations
- IICWG-XII Photos - Link to a folder containing a selection of photos from meeting
- News Release 21 Oct. 2011: International Ice Experts Caution that "Open" Arctic Shipping Routes Does Not Mean Ice-Free
IICWG-XI, October 2010
The 11th meeting of the International Ice Charting Working Group was held in Washington D.C. on 18-22 October 2010. The National Ice Center hosted the meeting.
- IICWG-XI Meeting Executive Summary
- IICWG-XI Meeting Report - Link to a folder with the full meeting report in PDF files
- IICWG-XI Documents - Link to a folder containing PDF files of reports and papers from meeting
- IICWG-XI Presentations - Link to a folder containing PDF versions of all presentations
- IICWG-XI Photos - Link to a folder containing a selection of photos from meeting
- News Release 20 Oct. 2010: National Ice Services Warn of Continuing Hazards to Navigation in the Polar Seas
IICWG-X, October 2009
The tenth meeting of the International Ice Charting Working Group (IICWG) was held in Geneva Switzerland on 12-16 October, 2009 and was hosted by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO).
- IICWG-X Meeting Executive Summary
- IICWG-X Meeting Report - Link to a folder with the full meeting report in PDF files
- IICWG-X Documents - Link to a folder containing PDF files of reports and papers from meeting
- IICWG-X Presentations - Link to a folder containing PDF versions of all presentations
- IICWG-X Photos - Link to a folder containing a selection of photos from meeting
- News Release 16 Oct. 2009: National Ice Services Advise of Continuing Navigation Hazards
IICWG-IX, October 2008
The ninth meeting of the International Ice Charting Working Group (IICWG) was held in Luleå, Sweden on 20-24 October, 2008, and it was hosted by the Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI).
- IICWG-IX Meeting Executive Summary
- IICWG-IX Meeting Report - Link to a folder with the full meeting report in PDF files
- IICWG-IX Documents - Link to a folder containing PDF files of reports and papers from meeting
- IICWG-IX Presentations - Link to a folder containing PDF versions of all presentations
- IICWG-IX Photos - Link to a folder containing a selection of photos from meeting
- News Release 24 Oct. 2008: National Ice Services Advise of Continuing Navigation Hazards
IICWG-VIII, October 2007
The eighth meeting of the International Ice Charting Working Group (IICWG) was held in Frascati, Italy, 22-26 October, 2007. It was hosted by the European Space Agency’s Centre for Earth Observation (ESRIN).
- IICWG-VIII Executive Summary
- IICWG-VIII Meeting Report - Link to a folder with the full meeting report in PDF files
- IICWG-VIII Documents - Link to a folder containing PDF files of reports and papers from meeting
- IICWG-VIII Presentations - Link to a folder containing PDF versions of all presentations
- IICWG-VIII Yearbook
- News Release 23 Oct. 2007: 2007 Arctic Ice Retreat Concerns National Ice Services
IICWG-VII, September 2006
The Finnish Institute of Marine Research (later integrated with the Finnish Meteorological Institute) hosted the seventh International Ice Chart Working Group Meeting in Helsinki, Finland. The meeting, and associated Science Workshop, took place 24-29 September. It was organized by the Finnish ice service through a local committee led by Ari Seina.
- IICWG-VII Documents - Link to a folder containing PDF files of reports and papers from meeting
- IICWG-VII Presentations - Link to a folder containing PDF versions of all presentations
IICWG-VI, October 2005
The North American Ice Service hosted the sixth International Ice Chart Working Group Meeting in Ottawa, Canada. The meeting was organized by the Canadian Ice Service through a local committee led by Roger De Abreu. It was held from 25-28 October 2005, with an associated IICWG Science Workshop on 24 October. You may download the files below for more information.
- IICWG-VI Meeting Documents - Link to a folder containing PDF files of reports and papers from meeting
- Interoperable Data Formats - Special Session Workshop Summary
- IICWG-VI Presentations - Link to a folder containing PDF versions of all presentations
- IICWG-VI Photos - Link to a folder containing a selection of photos from meeting (provided by Roger DeAbreu)
- Ice in ECDIS Workshop Report (from June 2000) - Link to a folder containing a summary and presentations from this June 2000 workshop
IICWG-V, April 2004
The fifth meeting of the International Ice Charting Working Group (IICWG) was held April 20-23, 2004, in Hamburg Germany. Additionally, the science workshop, entitled "Information Extraction and Ice Modeling - Steps towards Data Assimilation," was held on Monday, April 19. To access presentations given at the meetings, please see the agendas below.
- IICWG-V Meeting Agenda
- IICWG-V Science Workshop Agenda
- IICWG-V Documents - Link to a folder containing PDF files of reports and papers from meeting
- IICWG-V Presentations - Link to a folder containing PDF versions of all presentations
- IICWG-V Photos - Link to a folder containing a selection of photos from meeting
- IICWG-V Ad Hoc Format Working Group - Shapefile Discussion
IICWG-IV, April 2003
The fourth meeting of the IICWG was held in St Petersburg, Russian Federation, April 7-11, 2003. It was hosted by and convened at the Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute (AARI) and sponsored by the U.S. National Ice Center, Canadian Ice Service, the U.S. Office of Naval Research Polar Programs, and the Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute.
- IICWG-IV Documents - Link to a folder containing PDF files of reports and papers from meeting
- IICWG-IV Presentations - Link to a folder containing PDF versions of all presentations
- IICWG-IV Photos - Link to a folder containing a selection of photos from meeting (courtesy of Vasily Smolyanitsky)
IICWG-III, November 2001
The third annual meeting of the IICWG was held in Tromso, Norway, November 14-16, 2001. It was hosted by the Norwegian Meteorological Institute (DNMI) and sponsored by the the Office of Naval Research Polar Programs, the Norwegian Meteorological Institute, the U.S. National Ice Center, and the Canadian Ice Service.
- IICWG-III Documents - Link to a folder containing PDF files of reports and papers from meeting
- IICWG-III Presentations - Link to a folder containing PDF versions of all presentations
IICWG-II, October 2000
The second meeting of the IICWG was held at Grand Hotel Reykjavik, Iceland, October 3-5, 2000. The meeting was hosted by the Icelandic Meteorological Office, and sponsored by the U.S. National Ice Center, the Office of Naval Research - Europe, the Icelandic Meteorological Office, and the Canadian Ice Service.
- IICWG-II Documents -Link to a folder containing PDF files of reports and papers from meeting
- IICWG-II Presentations - Link to a folder containing PDF versions of all presentations
IICWG-I, October 1999
The IICWG was formed at a meeting held at the Danish Meteorological Institute in Copenhagen, 5-7 Oct 1999. The meeting was sponsored by the U.S. National Ice Center, the Office of Naval Research (Europe), the Danish Meteorological Institute, and the Canadian Ice Service.