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As climate changes, how do Earth's frozen areas affect our planet and impact society?

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QGreenland website logo
QGreenland is a free mapping tool supported by video tutorials, complete documentation, and a website to help you to get started and continue your learning. The project now boasts a new product release, a revamped website, and funding for enhanced data sharing and interoperability.
The CAL FIRE Nevada Yuba Placer Unit clears roads among other rescue tasks
Feature Story
The 2023 winter brought record snowfall to California and other parts of the western United States, but unlike rain, snowfall is much more nuanced in its properties. Getting accurate snow depth data over a wide area is not easy. Read more about the challenges of garnering snow data and the tools behind snow data.
Tarfala Research Station, in northern Sweden, maintains the world's longest continuous glacier mass balance record.
News Release
Scientific researchers have made leaps and bounds in recent years gathering new data and insights on these regions, but there has been a lag in curriculum development for undergraduate students who are studying the geosciences and environmental sciences. Polar Places and Spaces (PolarPASS) seeks to fill this gap by developing a science-based curriculum to help students learn about the scientific discovery process and to connect them with far-away places that they may not have the opportunity to visit in person.
OpenAltimetry screenshot with polar projection
NASA’s OpenAltimetry tool allows experienced and new users alike to quickly find and download elevation data through a web browser without the need for costly software or hefty computational resources.
san francisco skyline at night
Several representatives from NSIDC will be attending the American Geophysical Union (AGU) Annual Meeting 2023 to share their expertise and connect with Earth Science experts. We've compiled a list of all sessions in which NSIDC staff are involved, including presentations, posters, workshops and other discussions.