Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer

Data Announcements

Data Announcement
NSIDC is experiencing delays receiving some MODIS data sets from our data provider. We apologize for the inconvenience. Please contact User Services if you have questions.
Data Announcement
Notice to Users of AMSR-E, ICESat/GLAS, IceBridge, MODIS and NISE Data. The FTP location for accessing AMSR-E, ICESat/GLAS, IceBridge, MODIS, and NISE data changed in October from n4ftl01u.ecs.nasa
Data Announcement
12,500 Browse Images from 19 June 2002 to 10 September 2002 are unavailable for MODIS/Terra Snow Cover 5-Min L2 Swath 500m (MOD10_L2) and MODIS/Terra Sea Ice Extent 5-Min L2 Swath 1km (MOD29).