Data Announcement

Current and upcoming MEaSUREs data at NSIDC

New data regarding snow, sea ice, Greenland surface melt and more will be coming soon to NSIDC. The NASA Making Earth System Data Records for Use in Research Environments (MEaSUREs) program is dedicated to the development of consistent global and continental scale data records related to earth science. NSIDC currently archives six data sets from the MEaSUREs program, and the additional data sets will be available in the near future. Visist the NSIDC DAAC MEaSURES data collection to explore documentation and data for all MEaSUREs data sets available from the NSIDC DAAC. The following Principle Investigators have provided data sets that are currently available for download from NSIDC:

NSIDC expects to receive the following data sets in the coming months:

  • From David Robinson, Thomas Estilow, Gina Henderson, Dorothy Hall, and George Riggs
    • MEaSUREs Northern Hemisphere Terrestrial Snow Daily 25km EASE-Grid 2.0
    • MEaSUREs Northern Hemisphere Terrestrial Snow Weekly 100km EASE-Grid 2.0
  • From Mark Anderson, Mark Tschudi, Angela Bliss, Charles Fowler, and James Maslanik
    • MEaSUREs Arctic Sea Ice Characterization Daily 25km EASE-Grid 2.0
  • From Thomas Mote
    • MEaSUREs Greenland Surface Melt Daily 25km EASE-Grid 2.0
  • From David Robinson, Thomas Estilow, Gina Henderson, Dorothy Hall, George Riggs, Mark Anderson, Mark Tschudi, Angela Bliss, Charles Fowler, James Maslanik, and Thomas Mote
    • MEaSUREs Northern Hemisphere State of Cryosphere Daily 25km EASE-Grid 2.0
    • MEaSUREs Northern Hemisphere State of Cryosphere Weekly 100km EASE-Grid 2.0
  • From Ted Scambos, Ian Joughin, Ben Smith, and Ian Howat
    • MEaSUREs Monthly MODIS Mosaic Images of Greenland

In the future, Mary Jo Brodzik and David Long will also provide NSIDC with an improved, enhanced resolution, gridded passive microwave Earth System Data Record (ESDR).