Data Announcement

New Version 3 Aquarius Level-2 Soil Moisture Data

Version 3 Aquarius L2 Swath Single Orbit Soil Moisture data are now available at the NASA National Snow and Ice Data Center Distributed Active Archive Center (NSIDC DAAC).

This data set contains Level-2 global soil moisture estimates derived from the NASA Aquarius passive microwave radiometer on the Satélite de Aplicaciones Científicas (SAC-D).

Changes in Version 3 include: use of the most recent version (Version 3) of Aquarius Brightness Temperatures as input; Aquarius Brightness Temperatures are no longer re-calibrated before soil moisture retrievals as was done for Version 2 data; and soil moisture observations are valid over a wider range of brightness temperatures compared to Version 2 data.

See the NSIDC DAAC Aquarius data collection for more information.
