Data Announcement
  • Sea ice

NOAA@NSIDC Releases Sea Ice Index Version 2.1

NOAA@NSIDC is pleased to announce the release of Sea Ice Index Version 2.1. The motivation for the update to Version 2.1 was to port the Sea Ice Index IDL code to Python. Prior to V2.1, the Sea Ice Index was processed with code written mainly in IDL with some Perl, Ruby, and C. In an effort to streamline the processing, all of the code has been ported to Python. Major improvements include a new color scheme for the daily and monthly images and graphs, reorganized FTP site, daily images and blue marble images now archived on FTP, minor adjustments to monthly computations, and interdecile and interquartile columns now supplied in the daily climatology file to compliment the standard deviation value in that file. To see the new the new images and graphs, visit the Sea Ice Index web site. For complete details on all the updates in V2.1, please read the see the Sea Ice Index Updated to Version 2.1 section in the Product History section of the Sea Ice Index User Guide. Data Set DOI: