Stephanie Wong

DAAC Data Product Team Lead

About Stephanie

Stephanie Wong is a Team Lead for the NASA Snow and Ice Distributed Active Archive Center (DAAC) at NSIDC. She is responsible for overseeing all data management and stewardship activities for the MODIS, VIIRS, SnowEx, Airborne Snow Observatory, Nimbus, and CLPX missions at NSIDC. As the SnowEx DAAC team lead, she has supported three snow hydrology field campaigns in Grand Mesa, CO (2020) and Fairbanks, AK (2022, 2023). With her growing project management skills, Wong also takes on additional projects at NSIDC, including the migration of all technical documents for the new NSIDC website. Wong works closely with her cross functional team and stakeholders at NSIDC, NASA, and the broader cryosphere community.

Wong's has a diverse background in biology and environmental engineering. In addition to her project management and leadership roles, she is passionate about authentic employee engagement, serving on both the NSIDC Employee Reognition and NSIDC Employee Learning and Innovation working groups.


Data management and stewardship, project management.


PhD Environmental Engineering, Drexel University, 2017
M.S. Environmental Engineering, Drexel University, 2015
B.S. Biology, Northeastern University, 2012
Stephanie Wong

