Data Announcement

New data set release: High Mountain Asia 30m and 8m Flood Geomorphic Potential, Version 1

High Mountain Asia 30m and 8m Flood Geomorphic Potential, Version 1 is now available at the NASA National Snow and Ice Data Center Distributed Active Archive Center (NSIDC DAAC). This data set contains Flood Geomorphic Potential (FGP) at 30 m resolution for the High Mountain Asia region and 8 m resolution over Nepal. FGP is a digital elevation model-derived index that provides high-resolution flood mapping based on bankfull elevations, defined in terms of river widths, and elevation differences between points under examination and the closest bankfull elevations in the river network. The temporal coverage corresponds to the publication dates of the DEMs used to produce the corresponding FGP indices. For the 30 m files, this date is 22 April 2021, and for the 8 m files, it is 16 July 2017.

Data set DOI: