[GLIMS] ASTER 20th anniversary special issue of Remote Sensing

Jeffrey Kargel jeffreyskargel at hotmail.com
Fri Aug 10 22:50:17 MDT 2018

Dear GLIMS colleagues,

The ASTER Science Team leadership and the MDPI online journal Remote Sensing are planning a 20th anniversary of ASTER special issue.



Remote Sensing<http://www.mdpi.com/journal/remotesensing/special_issues/ASTER>
Remote Sensing, an international, peer-reviewed Open Access journal.

I plan to lead one paper, and I encourage others who have worked with ASTER, or now are doing so, to consider this journal. I am aware of some controversy and problems with MDPI journals, but it seems that NASA is giving significant, repeated support to Remote Sensing.  Maybe the problems are in MDPI's past. I have not heard of any severe problems specifically with Remote Sensing. I am not confident that the review process is as thorough as with some of our science community's other journals of choice, but anyway, that's the journal chosen by the Japan and U.S. ASTER science team leadership, and I want to support that special issue.


Jeff Kargel
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