[GLIMS] GLIMS Update: 10th anniversary Kolka/Karmadon disaster, Sep. 18-20, 2012, Vladikavkaz (Caucasus)

Jeffrey Kargel jeffreyskargel at hotmail.com
Fri Jun 15 12:51:52 MDT 2012

Dear colleagues,
A workshop will be held in Vladikavkaz, North Ossetia, Russia, on Sep. 18-20, 2012, on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the tragic Kolka/Karmadon ice avalanche and debris flow.  Please see the First Circular, which has a questionnaire at the end, which must be filled out and returned by any prospective participants.
--Jeff Kargel

From: jean.schneider at boku.ac.at
Date: Fri, 15 Jun 2012 18:55:32 +0200
To: d.n.petley at durham.ac.uk; Annemarie.Schneider at ebp.ch; gleonard at email.arizona.edu; ohungr at eos.ubc.ca; simon.loew at erdw.ethz.ch; andreas.kaeaeb at geo.uio.noaeb; demian.schneider at geo.uzh.ch; isabelle.roer at geo.uzh.ch; John.Reynolds at geologyuk.com; anatoly.ischuk at gmail.com; bnupreti at gmail.com; hvracell.gok at gmail.com; kpkaphle at gmail.com; lschoenbohm at gmail.com; mrdhital at gmail.com; thummarukudy at gmail.com; jorgeconsult at gmx.de; A.DussaillantJones at greenwich.ac.uk; grf-presidency at grforum.org; shu_yi_zhou at hotmail.com; bshrestha at icimod.org; pmool at icimod.org; interpraevent at ktn.gv.at; wanggh at landslide.dpri.kyoto-u.ac.jp; jshroder at mail.unomaha.edu; yanghong at ou.edu; fort at paris7.jussieu.fr; Brigitte.Winklehner at sbg.ac.at; jclague at sfu.ca; pdroz at stucky.ch; garethhearn at talktalk.net; thuro at tum.de; debling at un.org; nijenhuis at un.org; fort at univ-paris-diderot.fr; un-spider at unoosa.org; khewitt at wlu.ca; rkdahal at yahoo.com; wolfgang.lenhardt at zamg.ac.at
CC: jean.schneider at boku.ac.at; ovt20 at cam.ac.uk; christian.huggel at geo.uzh.ch; wilfried.haeberli at geo.uzh.ch; devdorak at gmail.com; liturri at gwdg.de; jeffreyskargel at hotmail.com; paola.reichenbach at irpi.cnr.it; Andreas.Poschinger at lfu.bayern.de; sgevans at sciborg.uwaterloo.ca; mustafa_karim at stanfordalumni.org
Subject: Workshop Kolka Karmadon, Caucasus

Dear colleagues and friends,

Some of you have already received the first circular on the forthcoming 10th anniversary Kolka/Karmadon Glacial Disaster Workshop that is going to be held in Vladikavkaz, Caucasus, Russia during 16-20 September 2012. Please read the annex below for more details. We have already received good responses, which, as organizers, we find highly encouraging.
Could you please circulate this information to additional colleagues who may be interested?
To make  participation more rewarding, we have organized a field excursion to Karmadon and try to get a helicopter flight over Kolka glacier at a reasonable rate. Those which have questions concerning travel or financial support can address one of us three, we do our best to help you.

This is also reminder to those have not yet sent their visa questionnaire form to inform that the deadline for filing the same is coming near, the authorities ask for the 20th of June, 2012. So please do submit your visa questionnaire as the earliest and book your space in time.

With interesting presentations expected from you and our colleagues from East and West, this event is going to be an unique and exciting experience for us all. There are not many chances to travel to North Ossetia.
Thank you and best regards,
Jean F. Schneider
Olga Tutubalina
Sergey Chernomorets 		 	   		  
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