Images of Antarctic Ice Shelves

West Ross Ice Shelf

Western Ross locator map

Location Map: MODIS image from 27 January 2003, 19:10

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West Ross MODIS Images: 
West Ross AVHRR Images: 

Projection Information
Projection: Polar Stereographic
Datum: WGS84
Standard Parallel: -71.0
Corner Coordinates (MODIS):
    UL: 74.499841S 158.003895E
    LL: 78.283990S 150.213388E
    UR: 75.611646S 178.532134W
    LR: 79.816828S 177.920485W
Corner Coordinates (AVHRR):
    UL: 76.054024S 161.146149E
    LL: 79.749214S 153.857178E
    UR: 76.795753S 179.968185E
    LR: 80.793304S 179.954269E
Number of Rows (MODIS): 1850
Number of Columns (MODIS): 2700
Number of Rows (AVHRR): 549
Number of Columns (AVHRR): 617
Meters per Pixel (MODIS): 250
Meters per Pixel (AVHRR): 800

Note: The MODIS image information above is for images dated 26 February 2005 to present. MODIS PNG and JPEG images before 26 February 2005 have the following coordinates:

Number of Rows: 1380
Number of Columns: 1820
Corner Coordinates:
    UL: 75.045416S 160.001163E
    LL: 77.939188S 154.857428E
    UR: 75.906323S 176.124624E
    LR: 79.033563S 175.007415E