Data Announcements

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NASA IceBridge CAMBOT L1B Geolocated Images for Greenland 2009 are now available from NSIDC. See the NASA IceBridge CAMBOT L1B Geolocated Images Web page at for more information.
NASA IceBridge PARIS L2 Ice Thickness data for Greenland 2009 are now available from NSIDC. See the IceBridge PARIS L2 Ice Thickness Data Web page at for more information.
NASA IceBridge Sander Air GRAV L1B Geolocated Free Air Anomalies data for Antarctica 2009 are now available from NSIDC. See the IceBridge Sander Air GRAV L1B Geolocated Free Air Anomalies Web page at for more information.
NASA IceBridge LVIS L2 Geolocated Surface Elevation Product (ILVIS2) data for Greenland 2009 are now available from NSIDC. See the IceBridge LVIS L2 Geolocated Surface Elevation Product Web page at for more information.
IceBridge ATM Level 1B Qfit Elevation and Return Strength data (ILATM1B) for Greenland 2009 are now available from NSIDC. See the IceBridge ATM L1B Qfit Elevation and Return Strength Web page at for more information.
IceBridge Airborne Topographic Mapper Level 2 (ILATM2) ICESSN data for Greenland 2009 are now available from NSIDC. See the IceBridge ATM L2 ICESSN Web page at for more information.
AMSR-E Level-3 ocean products have been updated to Validated 4 (V04-Stage 1). The new V04 algorithm incorporates measures to further reduce Radio Frequency Interference (RFI), and the products now include an RFI angle grid as a parameter.
The NOAA@NSIDC team has just added 500 glacier photographs to the NSIDC Glacier Photograph Collection that were taken from space.
New for the Glacier Photograph Collection Search and Order Interface: When you pick up your high-resolution photo orders from the FTP site, a metadata file in ASCII text format (.txt) is provided with each photograph.
Quarterly processing is complete for both the AMSR-E/Aqua Daily EASE-Grid Brightness Temperatures and AMSR-E/Aqua Daily Global Quarter-Degree Gridded Brightness Temperatures data sets.
NASA provides IceBridge mission updates via Twitter.
IceBridge Data News is now available from the NSIDC Data News RSS.
The NSIDC Web site now includes the Instrument Data Summaries page and the Campaign Data Summaries page.
Defense and intelligence services data were featured in the article, "Global Warming: The Military's Other Enemy."
NOAA@NSIDC's Web site has been redesigned.
NSIDC announces the release of Validated 12 (V12-Stage 1) AMSR-E Level-3 sea ice products.
NSIDC announces the release of a new data set containing Co-Registered AMSR-E, QuikSCAT, and WMO Data.
The DMSP SSM/I daily, polar gridded brightness temperatures now extend through 29 April 2009.
NSIDC announces the release of a new data set, Daily Global Land Surface Parameters Derived from AMSRE.
NSIDC announces the release of a new data set, Canadian Meteorological Centre (CMC) Daily Snow Depth Analysis Data.