[GLIMS] Black Lives Matter

Jeffrey Kargel jeffreyskargel at hotmail.com
Thu Jun 11 12:45:21 MDT 2020

Dear GLIMS colleagues:
With the dramatic increase in awareness about race issues in the U.S. and really around the world in the past couple weeks, it has me thinking a lot about our field's racial composition, at least that in the U.S. It's very clear that our field is nowhere near being racially representative of the racial diversity in the U.S. and around the world. There may be many reasons for that, some out of our control or influence. In my opinion, a lot is in our ability to influence. It would no doubt be a long-term effort to improve diversity in our field to where it should be. But are there steps we can do now? If that's a rhetorical question with an obvious answer, then I'd be interested to see that some steps are taken. It's not my purpose to elicit your responses, but I do seek more people's quiet introspection and then your personal responses in actions to be taken going forward. I know one thing I will do, personally. I will seek out one elementary school and one secondary school and a science teacher in each and just have a discussion. Just start there and see where it goes. What can you do? Maybe some can do more than others, and many can do more than I. You don't need to answer me. Just answer the question yourself.
That's my opinion and one of my anguishes in life.
Jeff Kargel
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